
The Painting Career Of Alexander Koleszar

By Krystal Branch

Alexander Koleszar is one of the most famous modern artists in the whole United States of America as his works have a unique and surrealistic style to them that may capture the eyes of the audience. His art style is definitely very different from other artists because he combines elements of abstract art, realism, and surrealism. This is actually what made him quite famous in the world of painting.

Just for some background information, muster Koleszar grew up in Michigan which was just outside of Detroit. The place where he grew up in was a very patriarchal one which meant that any form of sexual vagueness was frowned upon. When he was younger, he was actually confused about his sexuality as he was a homosexual.

Even though he had quite a sad childhood, he used that set of strong emotions to pursue his career in painting. At the age of fourteen, he was able to make around thirteen artworks wherein some were actually showcased in his school. Three of them were even hung up in the city hall as they were amazingly attractive.

When he reached the age of twenty two, he decided to move away from his hometown and into the state of Phoenix, Arizona. There, he discovered his sexuality and eventually came out of the closet which confirmed him to be a homosexual. After he had finished his first art degree, he decided to take up another one in geosciences.

What really made him famous were his four sets of paintings that made it rather big in the world of art. Now his set which was named Portrait was actually a bunch of paintings mostly depicting people. He was able to paint them so well that they actually looked quite real but if one would look closely, he would see that they are not.

His set Addiction and Recovery was definitely a very popular set because it is the one wherein he poured out a lot of his emotion. He went through a very tough time in his life wherein he fell into depression. This set made use of a surrealistic style that portrayed all the emotions that he had felt when he was in that state.

Life on Lifes Terms which was another set concentrated more on abstract paintings as he wanted to branch out his style. Even if one could see his surrealistic style even in the abstract paintings, it still looked really unique and beautiful. Of course other paintings in this set showcased still life in a surrealistic style like flowers and such.

One of the most touching sets of mister Alexander Koleszar was none other than the set known as Just My Opinion. In here, he showed his skill in painting scenery and portraits together. This was quite a controversial set because this set depicted a lot of naked men in it which was his opinion about how society would control the people into thinking or acting in a certain manner before he or she could be accepted.

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