
Displaying Your Elvis Tribute Records Or Other Memorabilia

By Jerri Perry

When people have the type of personality that leads them to collect things, they can sometimes wind up dealing with vast amounts of clutter. The smaller your living space, the bigger this problem can be. Your Elvis tribute records, Tori Amos songbooks, or Princess Leia action figures can start to overtake your entire room or apartment.

The clutter issue can apply not only to deliberate collections, but also to the kinds of things that just pile up accidentally, like magazines and dvds. Any of these things can create problems in a limited living area.

People often joke about becoming "hoarders"- a fate that no one actually wants. Your home displays your personality to the people who visit you, and when you are bringing people home, especially potential significant others, you want to make a good impression. Of course it's okay to put your interests on show, but you want this person to think you put some effort into organizing you living space. Here are some ideas for reducing clutter and making that evident.

1. Get rid of things you do not need. Be brutal about this. Even as far as your collections go, there are inevitably things that you can afford to get rid of. Perhaps you bought something that you thought was more valuable than it turned out to be. Or maybe something is damaged, and no longer hold the value it once did. Scan your collection for these items, and throw them away.

2. Consider selling things. When you were a teenager, this might have seemed like sacrilege. But now, you probably have all of those Tori Amos songs on your iPod or stored in your computer. Do you really still need the cd singles? Consider putting them up for sale on eBay. You can make some money at the same time you create more space in your home.

3. Put things in storage. If you find yourself emotionally unable to part with all of your stuff, this doesn't mean that you have to keep it all within your immediate reach. One day, when you have an entire house to yourself, you may be able to devote an entire room to displaying your collections. For now, though, why not put the majority of your items in storage to mitigate clutter?

4. Display what you keep in an organized fashion. Regardless of what you store, sell, or throw away, you will probably still have a small excess of stuff. Find creative ways to display it on shelves. Get it off the floor and out of the way. This way, when people come into your home, they will see a purposeful display rather than a jumbled mess.

Whether your collection consists of cds and songbooks, Elvis tribute records, or first edition mystery novels, you can follow the tips above to make it organized and keep your living space neat. When you live in a small place, it is sometimes difficult to decorate it the way you want to. You have to make some compromises, but you can definitely have an organized and welcoming space.

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