
What One Will Learn From Ballet Classes Westchester Ny

By Marissa Velazquez

Ballet is one of the oldest dancing arts in the entire world and is still quite popular among both sexes even up until today. Of course in order to learn this special way of dancing, it is very important to first take up some ballet classes westchester ny. Now if one is interested in taking up a class, then be prepared to do some things that are mentioned below when first starting.

Now the very first thing that one will be learning when taking up this form of dance would be how to properly stretch before each session. Now do take note that it is extremely crucial that one is very flexible because all of the moves that one will be dong would require a lot of flexibility as well as a lot of tensile strength. So the stretching exercises in this type of art would be a little more intense than usual exercises.

Once one has already gained at least some flexibility from the stretching exercises, then the next thing to learn would be the fundamental techniques of ballet. Foot positioning is one of the most important aspects and will be dealt with immediately. Foot position number one is the most basic and just requires one to stand straight with both feet pointing to opposite sides.

Position two is the next thing to learn and is actually very similar to position one but in this one, the two feet are a few inches apart from each other. The position three is done from after position two which involves crossing the two feet. Just imagine doing a crab walk with the feet spread apart and the toes pointing in opposite direction.

Position four is done by first coming from position three and making sure that both feet are now in a position where they are facing each other. Position five is quite similar to number four but in the fifth one, there will be a foot that will be in front of another. Position six is actually the easiest to do because all it takes would be to stand with both feet already facing the front.

Now after learning the ways on positioning the feet, the next thing to do would be the plies exercise. To do this, it is important that one would hold on to a barre first and try to do the first foot positioning technique that was mentioned above. After doing that, then the next thing to do would be to bend the legs downward and then go back up again.

Other than that, there are the tendus wherein one will lift up the back leg and swing that leg forward. Now this is one of the most important exercises in the art because one will be standing on one leg a lot of times during a performance. This will also be the exercise that will set up the legs for a spin.

So basically these are some of the things one will learn in ballet classes westchester ny. Of course these are only the basic skills that will be learned. Other than these, there will still be many more to learn.

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