
The Human Mind And The Power Of Art

By Marissa Velazquez

Many people say that art is nourishment for the soul simply because it allows the mind to appreciate beauty that will transcend the regular conscious mind. What many do not know is that the positive effect art has on the human mind can also be backed up by modern science. Here is some information on the power of art on the human mind.

Of course there are so many different types of art forms just like visual images, music, or plays. A lot of researchers actually studied the significance of different arts subjects and the development of the human brain of students. They were able to discover that there actually is a very significant link between the two.

Now it is actually very common for most schools these days to actually drop classes that would concentrate on arts subjects in order to fill up the schedule with more technical subjects. Schools nowadays would most likely concentrate on subjects math, english, or science because these are the subjects for the entrance exams. Because of this, subjects related to arts are often neglected.

If one would think about it carefully, a child usually is able to express himself through activities like sketching, singing, or just moving around since he cannot fully talk yet. Since this is already an inborn way for children to be able to let them show how they feel, it can be inferred that artistry is a human instinct. Because humans have a need to communicate, they would find some ways to do it.

With regard to music, music is something that humans can already appreciate when they have just come out of the womb of their mothers. Music is known to be able to trigger certain emotions in the brain that could spark some creative functions. Actually, because these emotions are let out, the brain would then have the tendency to make images connected to the music play in the heads of the listeners.

When it comes to painting or visual arts, there are cognitive functions in the brain that are activated when looking at these forms as well. Visual arts would allow people to know about how humans are able to express themselves in different ways and would therefore think about the meaning behind each picture. This would actually develop the critical thinking skills of people as visuals may be interpreted in different meanings.

Certain forms of physical activities also may fall under the arts category and are also beneficial to brain development. Exercise is actually known to be able to increase the amount of oxygen that the brain gets. This in turn would actually boost up the cognitive functions of a human being and thus making his brain move faster in a sense.

The power of art is really strong and may even influence the way the brain of a human develops. It is because of this reason that man has preserved its art forms and has made it a part of his culture throughout the years. It is because it is something of very high value and must be appreciated even by the younger generation.

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