
Medical Miracle Stories That Defy Modern Medicine

By Marissa Velazquez

Fatal accidents kill off humans faster than the one can count to ten, however there are so many cases in which a person who was involved in a supposedly fatal accident can survive. By taking a look at a list of some medical miracle stories, one can see that divine interventions do happen. Some of these stories are so shocking that they may not even seem believable.

In 1848, a foreman by the name of Phineas Gage was leading a construction group in one of their projects wherein they were supposed to build a railroad. Due to a small explosion, one of the metal rods flew and stabbed Gage in the face. Due to some miracle, the doctors were able to pull the rod out of his face and he recovered although he did suffer some side effects.

One of those death defying stories would be the one of Supratim Dutta who had a big iron bar driven into his stomach when he was involved in a car accident. It was a good thing that the bar missed all of his vital organs because it is because of this that he survived. The doctors were able to same him and he fully recovered.

Of course there are also those miraculous incidents wherein brain dead people would come alive because of medical science. A man who was brain dead for around six years had his brain implanted with a couple of electrodes which shocked his entire brain. It was actually because of this type of treatment that he was able to wake up from the deep sleep that he was in for years.

Josh Villa also had a similar case but he was brain dead for a shorter period of time which was about three years. The treatment used on him utilized a magnetic force that was supposed to pull parts of the brain in order to shock it awake. Although this treatment was able to wake Villa up, Villa could not move his body like he used to but he could communicate properly like through verbal communication.

A kid named Nicholas Holderman was another miracle case wherein he was supposed to become blind but did not. While this kid was playing, he fell down and had his eye stabbed by a key that came from a set of keys. After he was rushed to the hospital, the doctors were able to pull the key out of his eye and he was discharged from the hospital after just seven days.

One of the most mysterious cases would be from a man named Michael Hill in the year 1998 wherein a man stabbed him in the head. The unbelievable part here is that he did not die but instead, he walked to the house of one of his friends. Now even though he recovered, there are still some side effects like his frequent memory loss cases and of course seizures.

So by taking a look at these medical miracle stories, it can actually be seen that miracles do happen. According to modern medicine, most of these fatal accidents already do not have any cure. However, there are still some people out there who would still be able to escape and survive.

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