
Everyone Loves Old Fashioned Radio Shows

By Marissa Velazquez

Before television was invented all Americans loved to listen to old fashioned radio shows. On certain days of the week a family would gather around this big wooden sound box to listen to all of their favorite events. This was also a great way for individuals to bond with their family members who were always busy during the weekdays. Mothers everywhere would make popcorn for the major event which would happen at night.

People everywhere loved to listen to the antics of such great comedians who used their voice talent to get attention from the audience. Programs like Abbott and Costello, The Adventures of Charlie Chan, Archie Andrews, Blondie, The Bob Hope Show, Burns and Allen, Gunsmoke and I Love Lucy were great entertainment events.

Lucy Ball was one of the first women who was able to make human beings laugh every night. She had perfect timing within her show and would always strive for perfection. Her event over the music box was later turned into a television program which lasted for many years. Over time these programs would always show Lucy getting into serious comical trouble.

In private Ms. Ball was a strong willed individual who did not put up with any crap from her peers. She would fire people who disagreed with her and this made everyone quite frightened. Vivian Vance was in financial trouble at the time and had no choice but to work with Lucille on the television series.

People who enjoy comic books will be glad to know that Archie Andrews had his very own show over the airwaves years ago. He was an average teenager who attended high school with his unique friends. Archie had a knack for getting into trouble at school and during his private life. The Archie Andrews program had a huge audience while it was over the sound box.

Luckily the comic book itself is still a great success today and people everywhere are still laughing at Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica and Reggie Mantle. This is one franchise that has made millions of dollars over the years and Archie will always remain a student at Riverdale High.

There is a very pretty blond woman named Blondie who can be seen in newspapers all over the United States. Many people do not know that this particular blond bombshell started her career through the sound system. Her original name was Blondie Boopadoop until she met the very clumsy and charming Dagwood Bumstead. This same program moved to television after many years over the wooden box.

Young people all around should try to listen to an old fashioned radio shows. This will enhance their education in many ways and give them a view into their grandparents past. During those times there was no profanity or nudity to be seen or heard in programs. People had more innocence as they listened to Gunsmoke or any other program that happened to be on at the time.

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