
About Different Silk Painting Supplies

By Marissa Velazquez

Silk painting is becoming very popular lately, mainly thanks to the Serti technique. This simple and easy technique gives amazing results, and the whole process is easy to learn, and applying dye to the silk is interesting and simple. Silk is available just about anywhere. All you need to do is to find yourself some appropriate silk painting supplies.

If you have no experience in painting on this lovely textile, you will need to learn a few basic things. When it comes to the things you will need to get started, you should consider buying one of those practical starter sets. Starter kits usually contain all you will need to make your first simple designs. The best thing is that they also contain very good instructions.

Another thing to think about is the choice of colors. You will need some basic colors to start with, and sometimes it isn't easy to choose them. Starter sets contain basic colors in small bottles, usually applicator bottles, and they are very practical solution for all beginners. When you learn the basics, it will be easier to choose your favorite colors, and then you can buy larger quantities.

Basic color sets usually contain all popular colors such as magenta, golden yellow, turquoise, violet and scarlet. Of course, if you already have an idea about your painting, it will be much easier to choose the colors you need. In any case, you will probably need some basic colors.

Serti technique is easy to learn and the results are really attractive. The designs are outlined with clear water based resist or gutta. It acts as a barrier for the dye and gives sharply defined borders. Once the color is perfectly set, you can remove the gutta. There are also resists available that are colored and don't have to be removed.

The first step is to wash and dry the textile. When it is still slightly dump, it needs to be set using an iron. You will also need to prepare a frame, to stretch the fabric and suspend it off the table. You may use canvas stretcher bars, they are available in all art supply stores. You can also design your own stretcher frames, if you are experienced in this.

Draw your design on a piece of paper first. If needed, emphasize all the lines using a black marker. Lay a piece of a white silk on top of your design, and you will be able to recreate it on the fabric using vanishing marker or a pencil. You can also draw your design directly on the material, if you are creative enough.

When the material is stretched on a frame, and the design is ready, simply fill your applicator and draw over the lines with the resist. You need a special tip for it, available in all stores that offer silk painting supplies. After that, you just have to carefully apply the dye. Remember, your drawing won't be permanent until you the color is fixed, and the method for fixing it depends on the type of the paint.

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