
A Few Basic Tips For Student Filmmakers

By Eliza Mendoza

People who study film are usually passionate about it. They want to know about the process, both in theory and in practise. However when it comes to breaking into the film industry passion is not enough. With a few simple tips it is possible for student filmmakers to build up experience and to give themselves the best chance of making it in the film industry.

The most important thing for someone wanting to get into any form of creative work is that it is hard. It is competitive and everyone thinks they have the best script or have the acting or directing talent that is equal or better than what Hollywood and the independent scene have to offer. The problem is that they may not necessarily have the experience or the skills necessary.

Admittedly the downside of this ease of access is that there is more films and video out there. With video upload websites there are a lot for people to watch. This is why the fundamentals of learning how to shoot a film and how to edit it properly become more important than ever in order to stand out from the crowd.

The truth is that the best directors are often passionate about film themselves. A good example was the French New Wave of the Sixties. Influential directors such as Jean Luc Goddard learned their craft by studying and critiquing other filmmakers before then using that knowledge to apply it to their own movies to create a distinct visual language that took those influences and created something new.

While watching a film hundreds of times may not be necessary it is still a good idea to watch with a critical eye. Think about why a scene is effective. As well as lighting, camera work and other practical elements look at the actors and how expressive they are. In some cases a look or a gesture can be as effective as pages of dialogue.

The truth is that it is unlikely you will produce an instant hit. There is an old joke about how the people who become overnight successes took twenty years to get there. While this is intended as a joke there is a serious point in that people often see the finished product as opposed to the amount of work that went on behind the scenes.

While the theory is important practise is vital too. As well as making your own work during a course it helps to get work experience as well. Whether it is other student productions or a professional film set you can learn more about the craft of making a film. Furthermore it is a good way to establish connections that are often useful when it comes to making your own productions.

There is also the issue for student filmmakers of what type of course to get. There is no course that can guarantee you work. However the best courses can allow you to develop your skills and in some cases the teachers may have connections that can give you possible work or at the very least improve your chances. Look online to find out more information and for more advice on how to improve your film making skills.

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