
Ways Of Identifying Authentic Antique Singing Bowls

By Harriett Crosby

Singing bowls are different from standard bells in that they are inverted at the top. They resemble a bowl because the opening is at the top. A mallet or a wand is usually rubbed against the inside of the bowl to produce sound. Originally, these bells were used by Buddhists during religious events. Nowadays, they are used in different parts of the world in meditation practices, alternate healthcare, relaxation as well as religious rites.

Historically, bowls were associated with spiritual functions. Though it is not clear where the first kind of bells came from, some people argue that they were designed for use while meditating. Others say that spiritual transformation was the reason they were crafted. No books have information about their origin. However, it is said that they have been around in Asia since the beginning of the 8th century.

A bowl produces a humming sound when the wand is rubbed inside it. Wood is used to make the mallet which is also known as a striker. Leather and rubber are then used to cover the wand. Several materials are used to make these antiques. They exist in different sizes and shapes. There are different types of bells in the market today. Some have existed for a very long time and others are new.

Bowls are important for their historical value as well as their sound and quality. If you want to buy an original piece you need to know tips of identifying one in the market. You should have knowledge on how the authentic bowl looks like. It is only by buying an original piece that you will get value for your hard earned money.

The easiest way to identify original antiques is by appearance. A bowl that was made in the old days will have a simple and plain look. It will have few designs and carvings. The abstract decorations will include lines and circles. If the design looks rather complicated you should know that it is a new bowl. There are many items that are made to be rough and hard in order to fool unsuspecting customers. An original bowl is about 10 to 12 inches.

The material used can also tell you whether the bells are original or not. In the old times a bowl was made from 5 to 7 metals. This included precious metals such as iron, silver and gold. Most of the antiques have streaks or spots because the alloys were imperfectly mixed. Modern bells are made from one metal. This is usually brass or bronze because they are not very expensive.

The sound quality can also help you to identify an original antique. You cannot match the sound produced by an ancient antique. As a bowl gets older quality of sound improves. The genuine bowls have a very rich, mellow and warm sound. This is because they have strong harmonic overtones.

If a bowl was made recently the sound will be poor. It will be disharmonious and flat. You can use the above tips to identify old pieces that are worth your money. Genuine singing bowls are very expensive but their historical value and sound quality is worth every coin.

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