
How To Choose A Jazz Guitar Amp

By Eugenia Dickerson

As the name suggests an amplifier or amp is used to amplify sound. While some people may think that this means they are a uniform product this is not necessarily the case. There are products designed for different genres of music. For example if you are passionate about playing jazz and you play guitar then it is worth finding the right jazz guitar amp to get the most from your instrument.

In some ways this decision can be difficult. On the one hand it is a technical decision as you are deciding what is effective and efficient. You want to be sure that what you are buying will be reliable and will not go bust by the time you get on stage. Therefore you have to be sure you are buying from a reliable manufacturer, music store or website.

Another alternative is what is known as a solid state amp. This may be a better option than the tube as it requires less maintenance. There are also options that use both tube and solid state in one package. In effect there are a number of options and it comes down to what is best suited to your music.

Once you have established the kind you want you need to think about the level of customisation you want. Some people like a control panel with a number of options so that they can customise the sound as much as possible. However if you are just getting started then it is best to go with a simpler panel system that while it may offer few options for customisation it will be a bit more user friendly.

However if you are relatively new then it is less likely that you will want to customise your amplifier. Therefore it is better to look for a simpler brand of amplifier that produces the sound you want without having to tweak it too much. There is no right or wrong with this it is more about what works with you.

The best way to gauge this is to go to a music store. Ideally you want to go to somewhere with experienced staff who are passionate about music. Even better are staff who are passionate about jazz as they will be more likely to know the right kind of amplifier to suit you. For example some people prefer digital style amplification while others prefer a more supposedly natural sound.

The best way to be sure that an amp is suited your needs is to try it. Most music stores will allow you to test one so you can play your instrument and listen to how the amplifier affects the sound. You may not necessarily want to buy it from them but it is worth listening to gauge whether an amp produces the sound you want as well as finding out if it has the kind of technical features you want.

There are a number of jazz guitar amp manufacturers. You can find a number of customer reviews online and most people on specialist forums will happy to discuss the best options with you. Use your regular search engine for more information to help you make the best informed choice from a broad range of sources. This will help you make the right choice to suit your needs.

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