
How Singing Bowls Have Been Used For Therapy

By Eugenia Dickerson

Traditionally, Tibetan singing bowls are not just used to create beautiful music. Each vessel is classified as a bell, particularly, a standing bell. They have been used in that nation for healing for many years. These instruments are also known as suzu gongs. People who play them usually place the bowl with the bottom resting securely on a solid surface such as a floor or a table.

These bells are used with a striker. The mallet is applied with force to the metal repeatedly. The consistent peals are used to indicate that a period of meditation has begun. Similarly, the sound is sent out at the end of such a time. It is the only thing that can be heard during what is otherwise, a singularly quiet interval.

Older pieces of art from the Himalayas sometimes feature a bowl in a prominent place. This artwork includes sculpture and paintings, all of which are quite detailed. This allows researchers to easily study the ways in which these objects were used in the past. More ancient pieces are made of bronze. Some have been found in private collections and are often made of similar materials that were available thousands of years ago.

Examples of these old and well known symbols of healing are easily seen in several countries. They consistently appear in nations outside of Tibet, such as India, Nepal and China. The Japanese and Korean people have also employed them for similar purposes. In some societies, Christian music is occasionally linked with pipe organs. The gongs have a somewhat similar connection with Buddhism.

Buddhists may practice mindfulness on occasion or try to engage in this habit more regularly. This is not only a habit of people from this background as people in the West and East who have no affiliation with Buddhism also do this. However Buddhists are more likely to use gongs as a part of their meditation while sitting or walking .

Remember that this music mainly serves to allow people to concentrate on personal awareness and healing. It is not primarily for entertainment. Some may like the sounds while others are not fond of it. Samples of this type of audio can easily be located on video sharing sites like YouTube that are popular and free to use.

Beautiful antique Tibetan singing bowls are sometimes located in private collections where they can be admired for their historical value. They are also frequently displayed in galleries and museums worldwide where people of all ages can learn of their significance. Although they usually do not have lots of decorative markings, they all have individual qualities that make them unique. This is because older vessels were hand made by artisans.

Collecting Tibetan singing bowls can be a rewarding experience. By using the information contained in this article you should be able to share the significance of these objects with people who may be unaware of their purpose or their role in Tibetan society. As time progresses more people are learning to appreciate them.

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