
Blonde Pop Singers Are Great

By Harriett Crosby

Anyone who listens to music know all about blonde pop singers who are living today. Each and every one of these individuals are very creative and they really know how to hold someone's attention. Sometimes these artists will travel all over the world in order to hypnotize many people. Madonna has lived in America as well as England during her lifetime. Rod Stewart has also traveled across the globe.

Throughout the years American people have always loved such famous English and Australian artists such as Samantha Fox and Kylie Minogue. These two ladies have bright hair that is as golden as the sun and according to experts they were born this way. They are quite different with their styles but this is always a good thing within the music business.

The very brazen Lady Gaga has just arrived on the scene in the last five years but she has taken America by surprise. She is quite flamboyant and wears clothing that will shock any conservative person. Lady Gaga believes that all individuals should be treated equally and she loves everyone the same.

Within the 1980's Samantha Fox would appear topless on many posters which were purchased by young lads across England. "Touch Me" was a huge hit for this person when she first decided to become an artist. This song expressed her sexual freedom and she even referred to herself as a "tramp" in the song. As time went on Samantha let everyone know that she was involved in a sexual relationship with a woman.

Kylie Minogue was always a good sweet singer who was not very bold with her lyrics when she first arrived on the scene in the 1980's. "I Should Be So Lucky" was a very big dance hit in America and everywhere else. People felt that she had an elegant style that would last for many decades.

One great woman called Madonna became a golden girl later on in life. Every human being has heard about this woman and her antics that she has been doing for many years. She has always been controversial since the beginning of her career and this is what her fans expect. Before she married an English man Madonna filmed a video called "Justify My Love" which showed her bisexual side.

The very sexy Rod Stewart has been entertaining people for decades and he seems to be getting younger as time goes on. This is one man who has always adored his male and female fans which is very great. All of his followers think that this man is very talented and sexual. His recent wife is at least twenty five years younger than him.

Anyone can turn on the television set in order to see all of the blonde pop singers around the globe. These are people who may get their coloring from nature or a bottle filled with chemicals. The very outrageous Britney Spears is one natural tow head who has an amazing dance style even though her voice is not that great.

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