
Where To Go For Streaming Christian Rock Music

By Sonya Riley

Christian rock, a new genre it may be but what a mass following it has amassed since its fairly recent adaptation into a fully-fledged unit of gospel. This comes as music to the ears of those of us who were looking for something other than the traditional hymns for our worship songs. With this growth comes the need to spread the word or indeed the music that is Christian rock and this is where various forms of media come in. Internet radio is our primary focus and we shall look at some amazing sites for streaming Christian rock music among other services.

We shall look at some popular websites that offer streaming services. Quality services with excellent playlists that will keep any fan coming back for more and most importantly that offer fast uninterrupted buffering and playback.

First off there is Christian Rock.net, an amazing site with dozens of cool features such as fast streaming, a fully stocked store where you can purchase your favorite songs and a request service for you to request your favorite song for playback. It also comes with an impressive playlist featuring the likes of Switchfoot and Dc Talk, it is truly a site for the fans.

Then we have Effect radio a popular site which along with allowing you to listen in directly from their site through flash also allows you to stream directly to your PC through Windows media player, WinAmp or iTunes. For smartphone and tablet users streaming is also supported through your favorite music player. The playlist is very good featuring artists such as Spoken, Demon Hunter and House of Heroes making it a very popular choice.

We also have Q-90 Christian Hit radio which along with offerings such as your favorites, it also provide the latest new tours dates and all sorts of updates from your favorite artist including a platform for purchasing tickets to concerts. When it comes to the playlist we have the likes of Superchic and Relient to keep you entertained.

Next up we have Radio U bringing you hit music plus interviews and the inside scoop from your favorite artist, its a great site to visit plus there is a Radio-u TV service that also lets you watch your favorite videos and it comes with some great playlists too from all the top artists so it is worth checking out.

There is also Radio Slacker which has the added feature of letting you personalize your listening experience by rating songs as they play while of course also giving you the option of streaming to various devices through your favorite player along with a plethora of other features its a great site to visit.

Finally there is tune in which is more of an online catalog offering you hundreds of stations to choose from comfortably covering all flavors of modern Christian rock so you should be able to find something that suites you from their collection.

Of course the cost of streaming on any internet radio station can be quite high in terms of data consumption, but if you can get yourself a good data plan or some free Wi-Fi then you should be good to go and then you can enjoy streaming Christian rock music.

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