
Stories About Life Beyond Death

By Georgia Diaz

Ever since the earliest days of mankind, people have wondered about life beyond death. This is probably one of the most thought provoking and controversial questions. It is also something that many people try to avoid thinking about until the very end of their lives. Death is something that will happen to everyone, sooner or later. Thinking about what will happen afterwards is an essential part of human nature.

It is a sobering thought but each day on earth some eighty thousand people die. Some were old, tired and ready to go, but others were young and in the prime of their lives. They may not have been ready to leave and their lives ended suddenly and tragically. Before they knew what was happening they were facing the greatest journey of the existence.

One of the most popular and best explained theories is that the human soul is really a part of the great divine consciousness. Everything that happens to us during our earthly life is really just an extension of the divine. We may think we are individuals but ultimately we are really all part of a giant cosmic force. No one is better or worse than the other.

The idea of the divine consciousness makes a lot of sense. It presents the view that humans are really part of something much bigger than they can ever imagine. The divine consciousness has no form yet enormous power. It cannot be seen, but it is in everyone. We are all a part of it and if we choose to look can see it in ourselves and others.

As they are finally forced to confront their inner most feelings many people experience a true moment of clarity. They are able to recognize their own nature and then move beyond it. This passage takes them into a form of consciousness that has no earthly constraints. It is the divine consciousness that is the true meaning of existence.

A common theme in many belief systems is the idea that immediately after the time of death the individual will be faced with their own emotional baggage. This is often unresolved feeling particularly anger, guilt or hostility. If they are unable to face it they may have to return to earth and their body. Most people seem able to face this challenge and move on towards the afterlife.

The concept of reincarnation is very popular, but sometimes controversial. Most people believe that it is possible to be reborn into another human body. Some religions believe that a soul who is not ready to move into the realm of divine consciousness will be reborn and live through more lives. Only a highly evolved soul will be able to choose who they come back as.

When someone dies it may not be the end, in fact it may actually be just the beginning. Ideas about life beyond death are pervasive in practically every society. After all death is perhaps the only thing we all share in common.

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