
Musicians Can Find Great Deals From Vintage Saxophone Dealers These Days

By Kelly Wood

Many musicians love the feel of playing a genuinely vintage instrument, something which has been caressed and played for many years before they got their hands on it. While vintage instruments would have been very expensive and out of the reach of many musicians until recently, the economic problems across the world have seen prices for instruments such as saxophones tumble. Using vintage saxophone dealers can now turn up some great bargains for musicians.

Anyone buying a sax needs to choose whether they would like to play a new instrument or a vintage one. New instruments can have several advantages over used instruments, though there are many drawbacks too. A new instrument will always feel fresh, and will be in great condition, as well as having the latest mechanisms and technology used in its creation. Buying a brand new sax can be a very expensive business, however.

Purchasing new horns tends to work out as much more expensive than buying instruments second-hand, with new saxes often retailing for as much as ten times more than older instruments. This kind of price often makes buying a new saxophone prohibitively expensive, especially for young musicians. While buying a new sax is often the preferred option, there are other advantages to playing older instruments too.

It is true that many older instruments have been crafted to a higher quality than their more modern counterparts. This is largely attributable to the factory techniques of mass production which are used to make many modern instruments. Mass production makes it much more difficult to lavish the kind of crafted care and attention on instruments that more traditional methods allow.

As well as being a good cost-effective option, then, a used sax can also offer a much better playing experience for the musician. The materials and craftsmanship of older instruments does tend to be better, and you are more likely to end up buying an instrument with a real character of its own, should you decide on a vintage option. There is also a greater range of prices in the used instrument market.

It is also relatively easy to find older instruments for sale, either in music stores or online. Indeed, many online and high street stores specialize in selling second-hand instruments, and a good deal can often be found, if the buyer is prepared to put in some time for research. If you are prepared to spend some time researching, then an instrument of real character can be found.

Choosing the right sax can often come down to experience, however, and can therefore be an intimidating experience for novice players, who can often be exploited by unscrupulous salesmen. Discussing your needs with a more experienced musician, such as your sax teacher, can therefore be useful. Taking them with you as you choose an instrument can be very helpful indeed, as their experience makes them a better judge of the kind of quality of instrument on offer.

But using vintage saxophone dealers can be a useful way of finding that right instrument. As well as the likelihood of finding a good price, musicians can also find instruments of quality and character. It you are prepared to spend time looking, then a great instrument could be well within reach.

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