
Little Known Facts About The Rockstar Wife Life

By Leslie Griffith

It maybe is the coolest job among other professions, being a rockstar, but the real deal is quite stressful too. Especially when you have the other half who is dealing the stressful rockstar wife life. Concert tickets, VIP treatment, world tour, and those chicks that will scream the name of the band members, those are just one of the good things. But the not so great ones, they are unfolded below.

Some people marry these rock band members or stars because they have the hottest husband in the history of man kind. They love the VIP treatments and they love the gifts, which are all precious and expensive. And later they knew that it can be stressful at most times and that is why, it is hard for a rockstar to have a stable relationship and marriage.

After hearing each others vows, the wife will love the exposure at first. But as time passes by, she will start hating it. Come to think of it, wherever she goes, she will be asked if she is the wife of the insert name of the star here. Hence, will bombard here question and stole her privacy.

She will also hate the tour because of the long drive that they have to spend in the bus until they reached the location. Most especially when they have PMS where all they wanted to do is to stay at home and eat a lot of foods. Sometimes, they vomits that leave a disgusting smell in the vehicle.

Others just do not like to go at all even though they have been a fan of strolling because they have two or more kids at home. They have to tend the little monsters especially when one keep on crying while the other one keep on running and breaking objects. Yeah, the life and times of a mother.

There will be several events that they have to go. And although they will just need to shop and buy the baby diaper, it is important that they dress up nicely. After all, they are the wife of this prominent personality and paparazzis are everywhere. Sooner or later, they will feel like another person living in their own body.

Parties are everywhere and this is the best time to socialize. However, for those mothers, they keep on worrying when they left a little toddler at home. Hence, will stop them from enjoying the night and seeing the too fleshy dresses that hug the body of these celebrities and showbiz personalities.

Most commonly, they will be placed with a crowd of socials. And even if they are only going to meet them once, they should try to get along with these strangers they need to act like best friends. Otherwise it will be another issue that will be printed on the headlines of newspapers

And lastly, the rockstar wife life maybe a little stressful, but not at all times. After the world tours, there will be months that your husband will be housing your house. And it is now your time to go and meet some friend. Or it is the best time to spend some quality time together with the little monsters you have.

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