
Phillip Romero Reasons On Why People Use Jewelry

By Rachael Gutierrez

People do not only where the ornament on their body or on their clothes for only the artistic display. The reasons why people use jewelry can be numerous depending on the circumstances that are surrounding an individual. A general purpose that cuts across many of these individuals is however the beauty aspect. Phillip Romero argues that one can wear these ornaments only for the personal adornment.

The importance of the jewelry at these aspect is that it is able to give a person self confidence on their beauty. They wear the ornament to different functional meeting in order to look beautiful and smart. In this situation one need to bring in the match of their ornaments with the clothes that they are wearing.

The reasons why people use jewelry can however include the aspect of revealing the status of a person. The ring is the best example of these ornaments that can be used in clearly portraying different relationship status. The finger on which the ring is placed uniquely represents the individual state of the person relationship.

The purpose of wearing jewelry can involve the artistic display or for beauty. These ornaments are either attached on the body or on the clothes. Those that are used on the body can either be placed naturally like the necklace or they might require some body modification. Modification that is majorly involved includes the body piercing to allow the use of earring and other rings that are embedded to the body.

The personal or the social status of a person can be displayed by the type of ornaments that they are wearing. The social status can involve the wedding, or circumcision. During these social functions a person can be presented with a particular ornament to symbolize that they have successfully undergone the transition.

There are those ornaments however that are worn for protection against the evil. They can be in the form of amulets or chains. When a person wears these ornaments they are assured of being safe from any evil that might come on their way. Sometimes these amulets can be used to realize some magical rewards on matters that are personally disturbing a person.

In addition there is the functional use of these items. They are not only used as some form of beauty of symbolic representation of a culture but also for functional use. Not all of the items that belong to this category can however be very use full in the functional aspect of life. Only a specific category of the entire ornament family can be relevant in this area.

The importance of the jewelry as elaborated by Phillip Romero in addition can be to provide protection against evil and to offer magical rewards to the individual. A person who is possessed by any evil spirit is presented with some holy amulet that acts as a protection. They are therefore able to have peace of mind.

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