
Do You Recite The True Poems About Christ

By Kelly Wood

King Solomon is recognized all over the world for his efforts of composing different songs and poems to Jehovah and His son Jesus. One of the renowned writings from this intellectual is the poem found in the collection of songs in the bible from the book of Songs of Solomon, we are able to see some of the collections of poem that the King himself was able to recite to Christ as he talks about the love of that exists between Him and His bride the church. The poems about Christ should therefore be a representation of what the king talked about.

Poem is more less the same as songs and prayers in the eyes of God and so it must be presented with a lot of diligence for that matter. Since it is like a prayer to God, we must use and represent it in such a manner that is used to represent prayers to God.

It is very usual that when one walks into a church in the modern days, people use poem to pass the information about Jesus. It is actually the best thing to do, as long as the theme, melody, rhythm and the music in it is Godly and can be used to drive people to take heed the convictions of the Holy Ghost.

Many Christians are looking on the modest and post-modern ways of worshipping. Some have come up with the aspect of worshipping through the performance of miracles some have believed in the use of some Christian idols to worshipping the same God. Some however, have opted the other way by introducing the secular drum beats into worshipping the true, but rather they are just doing the opposite.

There are several revolutions that have taken place in the form of worship in the present world. These include the musical styles, the duration taken in church, the dressing style and so it has been difficult to differentiate a church of God and that of the devil which is the worldly form of worship.

The Christians have gone the extra miles of introducing the earthly music into the church service hence it becomes very hard to different the two form one another, that is, the church music and the secular music.

They therefore represent the world and not the true worship. Poem is good especially those that talk about the Savior Jesus Christ. However, they are to be as pure as possible to represent how the gospel is very pure, holy and virgin to the whole world.

We are not just saying that the poem is bad, no and absolute no, it is good but only when used wisely to spread the gospel. At times it can be used to pass the information about the true salvation but however it is used to represent the other side of the coin depending on the context in which it is used.

This cannot be reversed, because God Himself warns about adding or removing anything to the content of the Bible. We should therefore avoid the temptations by composing only those true poems about Christ.

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