
A Brief Evaluation Of The Conspiracy Documentaries

By Elena McDowell

People have always tried to come up with different explanations about various occurrences and things. Most of these explanations could be used by secretive organizations such as the governments for their own benefits. Conspiracies are theories developed with a negative agenda by various secretive organizations. The conspiracy documentaries try to substantiate these theories at different levels.

One of the modern days most known conspiracy is the consumerism. This has been fueled by the capitalists. This is mainly in the societies that believe men exist so as to make as much money as possible. The ways and the methods of amassing the wealth are of little relevance. As a result, man has become so corrupted that he would do anything at his will so as make money. The governments have been infiltrated by these corrupt people. This has led to over taxation with little development in most parts of the world.

Most of commercial companies form cartels so as control their earnings. Each member of the cartel supplies a certain number of materials in question. This helps maintain the demand. In some cases, artificial demand could be created so as control other forces in the markets. This ensures continuous flow of cash.

Religion has been around for very many years. In a way, the different denominations could be seen as part of a larger conspiracy. This is mainly because most of these religious branches not care the spiritual being of people. Instead, they are concerned about netting more and more followers. In extreme cases, holy war and persecution could be used to intimidate the non-believers.

Population culling is a very dehumanizing practice through which the superpowers and supra organizations control the world population. The process of depopulating the world could be done through mass killing. Deathly virus may be realized in highly populated places leading high number of casualties. The weapons of mass destruction could also be used mass killing. This is mainly aimed at artificially controlling the population growth.

There are different classes of criminal gangs. The terror groups aim at spreading fear and terror among people. This is done through mass killings. Terrorists have infiltrated different governments across the globe. The result is high level of insecurity and mass deaths. Others take hostage of people so that they get stipends in form of ransoms. These stipends are used to further their terror operations.

The financial crunch and economy meltdown left many banks and other financial institutions bankrupt. The governments had to bail them out of the financial problems. This raised serious questions about the extent the financial providers would go in order to make extra coins. Some had overlooked the simple mechanisms put in place to safeguard their clients. Others went ahead to manipulate their accounts so as to look more profitable than they are. In the wake of financial meltdown, millions of jobs and dollars were lost.

Most of these conspiracy documentaries may help shed some light about things that happen behind the veils. This is especially for the matters of global economy, religion, security and finance. However, others may be furthering the agenda of the authors. It is very critical to watch and analyze them soberly so as get the best of both worlds.

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