
Why Are Richard Overton And The Levellers Famous

By Gloria Mason

For many people who have studied the English Civil War and its associated conflicts, the name Richard Overton will be familiar. He was a political activist and writer of the mid-17th century, who was part of a group who are known as the Levellers. Their radical and democratic view of the world was shaped by their times and their view of what a Christian society should look like.

Many pamphlets and tracts debating the political issues of the day were written in the late 1640s, with Richard Overton writing many famous examples. The Levellers rose to the peak of their influence in 1648 and 1649, in the time immediately before the execution of Charles I. The English Civil War had spread to Ireland and Scotland by then, and violence would erupt again in England before Oliver Cromwell would take power.

Although by 1650 the Levellers were, to all intents and purposes, finished as meaningful political force, their fame still persists today, especially among political groups with left-wing persuasions. Many would describe the Levellers as one of the world's first political parties, as they wore sea-green ribbons to show their loyalties, and campaigned using pamphlets and petitions. Overton was prominent in the movement as the writer of many of these pamphlets.

The term 'Leveller' probably dates back to the early 17th century, when rebels who 'levelled' hedges in protest against enclosures were abused with the word. By the 1640s, it had come to be used to refer to members of a New Model Army group who were said to favor the killing of Charles I. As well as Richard Overton, prominent Levellers included John Liliburne and William Walwyn.

The political demands that the Levellers made seem somewhat tame to modern eyes, but they were considered very radical indeed by the standards of the 17th century. Concepts such as the vote for all adult males, parliamentary reform to eradicate corruption, Parliament to be elected every couple of years, and the abolition of imprisonment as a punishment for debt, all formed part of their program. They were also in favor of religious toleration, which had continued to be controversial during the 17th century.

Overton himself was of the opinion that liberty was the natural right of every person, something which is familiar today. Some Levellers also felt that the natural rights of the English people had been eroded since the Norman Conquest. Others felt that the justification for universal freedom could be found in the Bible.

Some units in the New Model Army would go on to mutiny in support of the Levellers, but the government could not tolerate their continued existence. With Oliver Cromwell to the fore, the government crushed the mutiny, shooting the ringleaders. Overton, as well as other political leaders like Lilburne and Walwyn, were imprisoned.

Richard Overton would go on to vanish into relative obscurity, though it is known that he spent time in prison, as well as overseas, in the two decades or so after the end of the Levellers. It is also believed that he may have spied on behalf of both Cromwell's government and Charles II. As part of the Levellers, he helped to bring the plight of the common people to history's notice.

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