
How To Teach Piano To A Beginner

By Helene Norris

There are many people out there interested in learning how to play a piano. Such people opt to enroll in a school that teaches piano or have a personal instructor teaching them in their homes. But as an instructor, it is usually challenging to teach beginners. For this reason, instructors are looking for information on how to teach piano to beginners to make the process of teaching enjoyable.

First the instructor ought to inquire about the expectations of the student for training. With this in mind, a person can be able to set achievable goals for the student. It is also good that the teacher understands the student well before going on with the lessons. He should know what kinds of music the learner likes to listen to so as to make practice lessons based on the genre of music.

A teacher should also be prepared with the teaching materials to use throughout the training. Apart from this, the professional should be able aware of various teaching ways used for instructing beginners and pick the most appropriate. There are certain teaching methods and one can use a particular way depending on the ability of a learner.

Also before starting classes, as an instructor one ought to orient the student. He should the learner know what the piano is composed of and the uses of the various parts. This gives makes an individual develop more interest in the classes and look forward to having a great training.

As an instructor, one ought to also take keen interest on finger and motor skills of a learner when practicing the piano. This way the teacher can show the student good positioning of fingers on keyboard, a posture to keep when practicing as well as wrist positioning. It may take some time before the student learns how to maintain all the right postures and finger coordination but once they get it, it will become a habit.

Choosing the right teaching method for a learner will depend on his speed of learning. There are those people who are fast learners while there are those who understand things slowly. Therefore one should assess these different abilities in the students and pick the teaching method appropriate to the needs of each of them. Instructors should also encourage the slow learners so that they do not lose interest learning the instrument.

Part of the learning materials is an instruction book for beginners. This one should always start with a c major or middle c as these notes are essential to a beginner. After sometime when a teacher assesses that the student has understood some stage, he should organize recitals for the individual. This can be before parents, friends or other colleagues where one can showcase the skills learned.

From the above information, instructors can get guidance on how to teach piano to beginners. It is good that the professional makes a record of progress of a person and advise the individual well. Also as a teacher, one should ensure to take the lessons seriously so that the learner has good attitude towards the classes.

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