
Why Do People Read Murder Mystery Books?

By Andrea Davidson

Many people find that when they want to relax that reading is a good way to accomplish this. Relaxing with a good book can be therapeutic. Murder mystery books are a popular genre in the fiction category.

Many current popular television shows deal with crime and forensics, which has resulted in increased interest in murder mysteries. In these stories, solving crimes is often exciting and may even seem fun. Everyone enjoys a good puzzle, and mysteries allow the reader to guess the identity of the murderer based on the clues given in the story.

Mysteries are also action packed and suspenseful and might cause the reader to leave the light on at night! The good guys are endearing and bad guys we love to hate. We get to see how both of them feel and react to different situations.

Murder mysteries dig deeper than what we might see on the news or in the paper. These books show us the story behind a crime-what happens that the general public does not see. The main characters are able to get out of trouble every time, which is not often the case in reality. These stories can make us feel that if our lives end tragically that someone will indeed care and murderers will be brought to justice.

People often have a fear of death and these stories allow us to face it nonconfrontationally. In our modern society we often do not experience death in all its glory, it is handled by hospital workers, law enforcement personnel, and funeral home workers. This can enable us to see what happens after murder or death without becoming emotionally distraught.

In murder mysteries, justice is always served-perpetrators of crimes get what is coming to them. This is in contrast with reality where sometimes criminals are not apprehended or may beat their charges on technicalities. Often in stories, all of the loose end are tied up and there is a happy ending.

These stories give us a glimpse into the psychology behind what makes a person commit murder and the thought process of the criminal, the victim, and the protagonist. Finding out what makes people tick is fascinating. What is the driving force behind a murderer? How is a criminal different from everyone else?

Mysteries are a type of fantasy that is centered in the real world, even if they are set in a previous time period. Some readers may struggle with genres that require them to immerse themselves in a different culture, learn new societal systems, and even new languages. A mystery is set in our world and therefore requires little effort by the reader to be able to comprehend and get involved in the story.

A car crash or train wreck causes most people to slow down and look. We are fascinated by tragedy. We are drawn to the bizarre and macabre. Through murder mystery books we can be a part of a tragic event without fear of being harmed. These stories are entertaining, quite often educational, and they also make us think.

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