
Tips For The Beginner Beat Maker

By Delroy Wilkins

There are a couple of routes through which to enter the world of hip hop. You can decide to buy beats and instrumentals online and math them to your lyrics. You can also decide to learn how to make your own beats and lyrics. If you intend to create your own beats, you should consider other artists who would be willing to buy them online. What would they want to listen to? Like with all success stories, creating amazing beats doesn't happen overnight. There are however a couple of things you can do to nurture inspiration and build on your creativity to produce beats.

Use the beat to grab attention. Beats form an important part in any hip hop song. Hip hop is all about beats, instrumentals and vocals. However, your beats should be able to stand out as a single recognizable element. The beat should be unique and recognizable for its qualities. Your beats should entice the listener to continue listening. Great beats will actually act as the source of inspiration for the rappers lyrics.

Go simple at the start. Avery great achievement started off as a simple desire to achieve. There's no better truth about this phrase than in beat making. If your goal is creating and you have no clue where to start, begin by mastering the simple cords. As a beginner, you might find this a daunting task but learning the basics of simple cords is the key to creating great beats. Simply master all cords, both major and minor. After this, use these cords to create a blend of unique sounds that will contribute to your beats.

Don't change song structure. Many people believe that hip hop songs are significantly different to other genres. While this might be right, hip hop tracks share the same song structure as other genres. They contain intros, choruses and verses just like other genres. It's therefore important that you keep this in mind when creating your beats even if you want to try out something unique. This song structure is universal and humans will tend to appreciate it.

Reinforce the Song's Story. Never forget that you don't just make beats, you use it as part of the mix together with the vocals. Hip hop is a whole new way to tell a story and aside from the obvious sound effects to correlate with the MC's words but you don't have to stop at that. Why not take it to a higher level such as adding effects like reverb when the lyrics tell about being inside a tunnel.

The art of beat creation is not dead even if you can buy and download beats online. Instead, it's steadily growing and room for new beat makers is always abundant. For the beginner, there's much to learn in the art of beat creation.

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