
The Growth In Popularity For Piano Instruction

By Helga Stokes

There can not be many people who have not wished that they could actually play a musical instrument at one point in their life. Numerous individuals have actually done something about it and made their wish come true. Its the different ways that people have made their wishes come true that have varied so much. People have learnt from film clips seen online, computer programs, and some have been taught by real people like those who have received piano instruction.

Once upon a time this was quite commonplace, and there were numerous children who undertook weekly lessons with a teacher. Nowadays there are more options in how someone can start to learn this instrument. There are still the traditional teachers, but now there are computer programmes and instructional videos and film clips available. The learning from a teacher still has to be the best method by far, as you tend not to develop bad habits.

As people began to have more leisure time there was a tendency for children to start avoiding lessons. Thankfully during the eighties there was an upsurge in those wanting to learn. This was largely due to the style of music people were listening to. This was the era of electronica, which had an emphasis on keyboards and synthesizers.

Children being children wanted to emulate their musical idols, in much the same way as their parents did. However for a long time people have been learning how to play. Just consider the early church meetings with bellows powered organs, or scenes from black and white films.

There were many historical Christmassy type films in this medium, and the majority depicted a family gathering round the piano as someone played carols and other festive songs. Think of films depicting times of austerity and hardship, similar scenarios were depicted in those too. Many people do not aspire to become concert standard but they do like to be able to play a recognisable tune.

Even the old traditional English pubs used to have pianos for customers to play. If there was a good pianist they would have their drinks bought for them for as long as they were supplying the tunes for people to sing along to. Nowadays any form of musical instrument is a rare sight in an English pub.

It is still possible to see pianos being played on a regular basis in certain institutions. If you ever have the opportunity to see inside the communal area of a residential home for the elderly you will often see one there. Despite being of advanced years the residents quite often relish a good old-fashioned sing song, perhaps as a reminder of their formative years.

One thing that you will notice about the elderly pianist is that they still have their digital dexterity. Some of the other residents might suffer with arthritis to greater or lesser degrees. Possibly because the pianist has continuously used their hands and fingers they might have avoided that ailment.

It would be impossible to state that anyone undergoing piano instruction would manage to avoid arthritis. However you will get plenty of fun and enjoyment along the way. You might end up being concert standard, part of a band or just entertainment at family gatherings. The last option doesn't sound too bad.

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