
The Growth In Popularity For Piano Instruction

By Helga Stokes

If people are honest with themselves most have wished that they could play a musical instrument at some point in their life. It has to be said that a few have actually gone on to fulfill that wish and can now play an instrument. The way that they have achieved their wish will vary from one person to another, some will have tried to learn by computer programme or the web, others will have undertaken lessons, for example those who took piano instruction.

These lessons were quite common not that long ago, and there are still quite a few who can remember their weekly classes. Times have changed, now there are so many more choices available for those wishing to learn. It has to be said that there is no real substitute to a teacher though, as they will stop you developing any bad habits.

Chances in people's personal circumstances meant they had more free time. Children didn't relish the idea of sitting indoors learning scales while their friends were playing outside, so music lessons began to lose their appeal. There was a resurgence thanks to the music of the eighties. Then bands seemed to rely heavily on synthesizers and keyboards.

Children being children wanted to emulate their musical idols, in much the same way as their parents did. However for a long time people have been learning how to play. Just consider the early church meetings with bellows powered organs, or scenes from black and white films.

There were many historical Christmassy type films in this medium, and the majority depicted a family gathering round the piano as someone played carols and other festive songs. Think of films depicting times of austerity and hardship, similar scenarios were depicted in those too. Many people do not aspire to become concert standard but they do like to be able to play a recognisable tune.

Even the old traditional English pubs used to have pianos for customers to play. If there was a good pianist they would have their drinks bought for them for as long as they were supplying the tunes for people to sing along to. Nowadays any form of musical instrument is a rare sight in an English pub.

You do still see these types of instruments in certain institutions. Think of the organs in churches and cathedrals, and then also take a look in a communal area of a residential home for the elderly. Despite the residents being in advanced years many do still enjoy singing the songs of their youth, in much the same way that they used to.

One thing that becomes evident as you watch the elderly pianist, is that they still have the full mobility of their hands and fingers. Whereas other residents might well be suffering with the ravages of rheumatism or arthritis, the pianist seems to have escaped unscathed. Maybe because they have looked after their hands and constantly used them.

It would be a flight of fancy to imply that anyone taking piano instruction will be spared the agonies of this debilitating ailment. One thing that can be promised is that they will gain a lot of fun and satisfaction doing so. Even if you only end up being the pianist at family meetings that surely cannot be too bad.

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