
Some Of The Top Conspiracy Documentaries

By Debra Cooley

There would be several conspiracy documentaries that are made available for public viewing. The hardest part for this would be making such media available and how to set a truth to any theory just to satisfy the proponents and opponents. Yet, it would rely on how a person thinks and which side would he believe or would he really believe what is being shown to him.

One of the greatest documentaries that are shown is One Third of the Holocaust where it was claimed that the Jews were never killed during World War II. Holocaust is the term they used for this event. This was not accepted historically that is why many people would not believe about this happening. Most of them would strongly think that it was an effort created by the Jews just in order to progress a lot from other people.

Another documentary that will expose how the major war that occurred in the history of the US was made a fake. The New American Century would tell some facts about the use of videos from some insiders who have declared that it was indeed a fake. The film also exposes how the old films were manipulated and was broadcasted as a propaganda just to make American angry.

The Psychology of Control is another film that exposes the methods on how the mind could control our beings. This also examines the science of control that has already evolved through many generations to keep us in place so that some of the dictators may profit from ignorance. This would also reveal the future that is driven by ignorance.

The most deadly criminal organizations on the planet has also been exposed in another documentary. It is further discussed that there are important problems that may threaten the entire human race and is given a solution by simple means that can be achieved by people. This is through the Domino Effect.

Because of this, there are some lives and views that have been changed. Upon watching, there would be great possibilities that you will be influenced by the information that you have gathered. Every information that will be presented will offer a solution which is required to make the right change to protect the world from true evil.

The Revelation of the Pyramids will show some sneak peek about one of the ancient wonders of the world. The mysteries that have surrounded such epic structures were shown as well in which these were already dated about centuries old. Yet, theories might vary depending on those which are gathered through scientific means and those that are bizarre.

The agenda and plans of secret classes and societies that could possibly run the system of the government were revealed in the Eye of the Illuminati. The methods and origins that they have possibly used to manipulate the entire human population were discussed. The effects that it brings to the way people live were as well shown.

Whichever conspiracy documentaries that you wish to see, it would depend on the level of reasoning of a person if they would get affected by some facts that will be shown. Some of these are not yet proven by other methods. Yet, you would be responsible over your thoughts and decide if you will believe it or not.

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