
Requirements For Becoming A Florida Bartender

By Tara Daniels

White collar jobs are not for everyone that is why there is an influx of people to blue collar jobs such as bar tending work. But a lot of people do not know how to start a career in bar tending field. Most of them are confused whether they will be required to attend a bar tending school or go for online classes. For this reason, this article seeks to set out the requirements for becoming a successful Florida bartender.

Age is the first requirement for anyone seeking a career in this field. For any individual to bar tend, there is a minimum age that the person should have passed. In certain areas the minimum age for a person to mix, serve and sell alcoholic drinks is 18 years while in other areas it is 21 years. In Florida, the minimum age is 18 years.

One also has to have bar tending skills. A lot of people think that such skills are gained by attending a school or through online means. Even though doing such is helpful, it is not compulsory. An individual does not require a certificate to practice. All that the person needs is to know all the popular drinks and their recipes plus the terms and manner in which things are conducted in a bar.

Yet another requirement in this field is personality. Enthusiastic and entertaining professionals attract more people to the bar but dull professionals do not attract people. Therefore people who want a career in this field ought to have great social skills and interact with anyone well. This is because in a bar, pub or club, one will meet different kinds of people and he or she ought to be comfortable around all of them.

The other requirement is customer service. This field requires that the professional treats a customer well at all times and with great manners. One should ensure that a customer is satisfied with the services given at all times. Even if the individual is not in one of his best days, this should not affect his performance in the job. All in all greater customer satisfaction means more income for the bar and even greater tip for the bartender.

Honesty is also needed for people thinking of working in this area. This is because a professional will be handling a lot of cash from customers and he or she ought to be trustworthy. The individual should therefore not hide anything from the boss concerning daily income and at the end of the day; the person should give all the returns to the boss. There are also other many dirty tricks that dishonest bartenders always play and one should avoid this.

This job also requires persons who have high levels of personal hygiene. One should therefore stay clean and sharp at all times. Customers always enjoy being served with clean people and in a clean area. Cleanliness involves both at the working area and also personal including the clothes worn.

If one meets all the above requirements, the individual can begin a career in becoming a successful Florida bartender. The next step that will follow is writing up a cover letter, sending it to a particular place one wants a job and hope for the best. One can also be recommended by family or friends for such a job.

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