
How To Uncover Obscure Barcelona Paintings

By Cathy Mercer

If you're not a fan of soccer or basketball, then a trip to Barcelona might seem a bit of a bore. However, if you're a fan of art then you couldn't be more wrong. The place is a bustling metropolis, as evidenced by the Picasso Museum. However, if you're after more obscure artwork, then finding Barcelona paintings in the side streets of the city is your best bet.

One place that might not seem an obvious place for art is the Palau Dalmases, situated in La Ribera. At first glance you might think the doorman outside the building is waiting for royalty to arrive, but he's waiting for you. As you might expect, the decor is very opulent. However, aside from quality reproduction paintings, Palau Dalmases has an excellent bar that serves wine and beer.

Although you cannot knock people that want to see the famous landmarks, greater rewards can sometimes be had by visiting obscure places. The Esther Arias Gallery is an art lover's dream. It showcases guests artwork as well as work from Esther Arias. Her specialty is abstract work that has a surreal feel to it.

Anyone that visits the Frederic Mares Museum will not forget it. For a start there's the medieval palace that you need to enter before you even see the museum. Alongside the palace is a Gothic cathedral and this sets the tone for what's inside the museum. Crucifixes line one wall, and these are painted and sculptured. Also present are sculptures of Madonna and Child. However, there's more upstairs, where you'll find various items that Frederic Mares collected throughout his travels.

While many tourists scour all the famous landmarks, those that are a little more adventurous will find their courage rewarded. Consell de Cent is a street where the posher galleries are located. The traveler with a bigger budget is more than welcome, especially as prices are among some of the more expensive in Barcelona. Unsurprisingly, the art is of a very high standard.

For fans of art who want to discover the next Picasso, Artevistas is somewhere to pay a visit. Budding artists often start here and their work is sold to the public, so maybe you'll take home a bargain from a new talent. Don't expect too many people to have heard of it as it's tucked away in a little passage off the main road.

If you have a tendency to avoid walking at all costs then one street, Carrer Enric Granados, will probably be to your liking. It has wall to wall restaurants, bars and art galleries, all within easy reach. Galleries like ADN, Ego and N2 are here, as well as many other places. After a hard day of walking around you can settle back in one of the outdoor eateries and relax the night away.

If you like avoiding large crowds and are after Barcelona paintings, then there are many options for you to try. The side streets are filled with small galleries, each brimming with the work of painters just waiting to be discovered by you.

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