
Creating Good Poems About Christ

By Amanda Baird

Writing good poems about Christ entails writing poems which are spiritual in nature and which reflects the life of Christ. The poems should also be inspirational and encourage people to come to Christ Jehovah. Writing about the life of Jesus in a poetic way entails looking at how he lived and the teachings he taught his disciples.

Jesus majorly taught using parables, there for one can decide to also write on the parables he taught. For instant, one may look at the parable of the prodigal son when writing about forgiveness as one of the teachings of Jesus. In this parable, Jesus gave a story of a man who had two sons.

He started suffering in the town where he had gone to as his friends could not help him. He then decided to go back to his home and ask for forgiveness. The father forgave him and welcomed him back home. This parable of the lost son may be composed in a form of a poem.

His father forgave him and welcomed him back home as his son even though he had disobeyed the father. This shows that people should always forgive others even if they have wronged you. A poet in writing a poem on about Christ may consider using the parable too to communicate their message. One may not necessarily use the prodigal son, but may use a story to depict forgiveness.

The background to this parable may be summarized as follows. Jesus was invited to for a dinner together with his disciples. Then something strange happened as they were eating.

He then anointed it using a very expensive perfume. Jesus then told the parable inform of a question. He asked them supposed a lender had two debtors. One owed him five hundred Denarii while the other owed him fifty Denarii.

When it was evident that the two debtors could not pay their debt, the lender for gave them of the debts. Jesus then asked the disciples, who would be more grateful. The disciples answered that the one who was owed more debt. Jesus then told them that that was the reason why the woman was more grateful than the disciples because he had committed a lot of sins that them but Jesus forgave her of her sins. This parable can also be used to compose a poem to demonstrate the teachings of Jesus.

The other powerful teaching of Jesus which can be used to write a good poem is the teaching on the sermon on the mountain. For instance, Jesus taught that those who are poor in spirit are blessed because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. He also taught that those who morn will be comforted. He also taught that the meek will inherit the earth. The other group of people who Jesus said are blessed are those who are merciful for they will be shown mercy. All the teachings can be used a a poet to write good poems about Christ.

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