
Tips To Organizing Jazz Pop R&b Instrumentals Festivals

By Connie Sears

A jazz festival allows patrons to enjoy a variety of musical acts in a single venue. Many festivals have been recognized nationally and internationally and attract visitors from far beyond their location. Though it may take years to garner this garner this sort of reputation, it is possible to organize a small jazz pop r&b instrumentals festival.

Find a venue. There are several places where a festival can take place. Festivals take place indoors and outdoors. Ideas for venues includes schools, community centers and parks. Rental fess may be charged by the management of the facilities. Other types of expenses that may occur include security, permits and insurance.

Find sponsors. Sponsors can help with several expenses One way this is commonly done is for a news organization, website or magazine to donate free ad space to publicize the event in exchange for banner ads at the event. Monetary sponsorship can also be sought out.

Some festivals set a minimum age to be admitted. This is so a certain atmosphere can be attained and maintained throughout the event. Minor accompanied by adults are usually admitted, though. It should be noted that many successful festivals do not set a minimum age requirement.

Organizers have to decide if they want to limit the festival to just the three genres or take a broader approach. Including related genres such as rock, soul and blues may help increase ticket sells. Also, those in charge of the event need to determine if vocal acts will be included in the festival lineup.

Search for talent. For a small festival, put up fliers in coffeehouses, libraries and on school bulletin boards. This may be a great way to book local talent. Auditions, the reputation of the artist or formal submission process can be used to book a local act. Exposure may be the only form of compensation for a local act. If organizers want to open a festival up to regional and national artists, the Internet may be a better resource. Notices can be posted on social media sites as well as sites that accept submissions for festivals. Keep in mind that booking a regional and national act costs money.

Organizers do not have to spend a lot on advertising for small festivals. Blogs, social media, general classified sites and forums are all places where organizers can publicize the event without charge. Call the local newspaper to have the festival included in the calendar of events in the entertainment section. Also, post fliers around town.

Vendors are a way to keep festival goers from becoming bored in between musical acts. Try to find vendors that sell items such as books, jewelry, artwork and food. Organizers can also allow musical acts to sell their merchandise as well. Find out how much space the venue has for vendors before looking for them.

Keep on planning. The planning process is very essential to a successful jazz, pop r&b instrumentals festival. In the event organizers decide to make the festival an annual event the planning process may have to start as early as a week after the festival.

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