
Things Phillip Romero Could Do To Enhance Social Media Presence

By Freda Watts

These days social media is an important tool for getting noticed. It doesn't matter who you are or what your profession is. Say, for instance, your name is Phillip Romero, it is still important to have an online presence in case someone wants to check out you or your service. These days a good many people still have very little idea of how to cultivate a social media presence.

What needs to be taken into consideration is the audience you hope to appeal to and how they can best be served. People like it when someone comes along to solve their problems, not when they come along and post self-serving articles about how great they are. The idea is to come up with the content the audience wishes to read.

One of the best things to do is to adopt a strategy of letting individuals within a company make comments on behalf of the brand rather than having them hide behind the brand. People are more apt to want to chat and hang out with someone that posts as themselves, rather than as the company or brand name.

The most important thing is to actually have an online presence. When the firm has a presence it should ensure that everyone involved in their social media campaign has a photo and a personal email address with their name. That way every time a comment is made it can be associated with a particular person. It looks quite impersonal when a comment is made by someone called 'admin' or 'webmaster' and is even worse when there is no picture behind the blog post. Choosing social media staff wisely is a must. It only takes one errant tweet or Facebook post for a company to lose its hard fought reputation.

Listening is very important in social media as it provides valuable feedback as to who the customers and audience are, what motivates them and why they make the choices they make. By taking a note of their praise and grievances, a pattern emerges of the role that the firm and its services and products, plays in their everyday lives.

It is vital to understand that being friends with customers does not mean refraining from promoting products or services. It means doing so in a subtle way they does not look like in your face promotion or a glorified news release. The way around this is to create content that add value to their lives while slipping in the ways in which your service or product can help.

As the social networking platforms are populated by humans it is wise to use humans in the process at all times. Spamming places with content may get a firm noticed for all the wrong reasons and it may be hard to restore a battered reputation. By using humans operators to reply to posts and help others, a rapport can be created and relationships have more chance of blooming.

Creating an online presence, whether you're Phillip Romero or just someone who would like to be famous, involves helping others and being of service to them. Create a valuable experience for them, solve their problems and Twitter followers and Facebook likes may not be far away.

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