
Lydia Sloley: A Model For The Supernatural Woman

By Danielle Galloway

Rev. Lydia Sloley does not just talk the talk when it comes to empowerment she also walks the walk. She overcame the abuse of her Vietnam vet husband by welcoming Jesus Christ into her heart in 1982. Receiving the accolade poetic-prophetic perspective pushed her forth in getting named a Prophet in 1997 as well as an Apostle in 2011. She now dedicates her time to inspiring individuals through living God inspired lives.

After graduating from the National Broadcasting School, Rev. Sloley started her own radio show called Life In Its Poetic Form, followed by a cable television talk show by the same name. The talk show focuses on encouraging people to integrate Christian principles into every day experiences to live more inspired, happy, and fulfilling lives. She founded and presides over Life In Its Poetic Form Christian Ministries in Brooklyn, New York as lead pastor.

Rev Sloley has written five books that are comprised of her poetry based on her Christian journey and how she grew her poetic-prophetic perspective. She covers topics such as challenges, self-discovery, relationships, inspiration, and managing emotions through her poems. She holds Poetry Empowerment workshops for others to get the chance to use poetry as a way of expressing themselves.

In 2006, Lydia wrote her first inspirational prose book titled, The Fountain of Youth Called Truth. In the book, she illustrates the connection between exploring inner truth and exhibiting outer beauty. She teaches readers that following the path of Christ will lead to inner peace, which overrides everyday stress and the physical toll it takes on the body.

In her upcoming book, Supernatural Woman, Rev. Sloley speaks to women about life empowerment through developing and maintaining a Christ-mind. She encourages women to live in the moment and refuse to keep repeating the life stories of the past. Living as supernatural women leads to finding peace, quieting the mind, and creating a life of purpose.

In 2012, Sloley focused her poetic talents on composing a song called Supernatural Woman. The inspirational verse is set to uplifting, melodic music and sung beautifully by talented vocalist Esprit Parker. The song speaks about the transformation of a woman weighed down by life, who breaks through to become the master of her life through Divine love. The song teaches that there are no life challenges that cannot be overcome through faith, love, and following Christian principles.

Rev. Lydia Sloley also has a website that caters to women but plans to expand the content to include everyone. The website is called Supernatural Lifestyles and she offers various items like her books, poetry, downloadable talks, and even a t-shirt that says Supernatural Woman. Her website is to help women live empowered lives by utilizing Christian principles daily.

Rev. Lydia Sloley is a traveling pastor who is available to speak by invitation. She has delivered Life Empowerment workshops to correctional facilities, shelters for women, schools, and corporations. As a guest preacher, her speaking engagements are inspirational and enlightening. She can be contacted through her Supernatural Lifestyles website to book her as a speaker.

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