
Guide To Organizing A Small Jazz Pop R&b Instrumentals Festival

By Connie Sears

Jazz festivals allow patrons to listen to several acts at one venue. Some festivals have received national and international recognition and are able to attract visitors from around the world. Although it takes years to gain this type of recognition, it is still possible to put together good jazz, pop r&b instrumentals festivals.

Find a venue. There are several places where a festival can take place. Festivals take place indoors and outdoors. Ideas for venues includes schools, community centers and parks. Rental fess may be charged by the management of the facilities. Other types of expenses that may occur include security, permits and insurance.

Search for a sponsor. A sponsor can help offset the cost of several expenses. One common form of sponsorship is for a media organization to advertise the event free of charge in exchange for advertising at the event itself. Sponsorship can also include monetary donations.

Decide on an age minimum. Oftentimes, music festivals, particularly jazz festivals, set a minimum age requirement for admission. This is done in order to maintain a certain atmosphere. An exception is usually made for children that are accompanied by an ticket-holding adult. Nevertheless, many jazz festivals do not have a minimum age requirement.

Organizers have to decide if they want to limit the festival to just the three genres or take a broader approach. Including related genres such as rock, soul and blues may help increase ticket sells. Also, those in charge of the event need to determine if vocal acts will be included in the festival lineup.

Search for musical acts. For small festivals, put up signs at schools, libraries, restaurants and music stores to get local acts to apply. The booking process can be based on an audition, electronic submissions as well as name recognition. Compensation in the form of exposure may be acceptable to local talent. If an organizer suggests that the festival include a national or regional act be prepared to pay. Organizers can book more established acts by posting on gig sites, social media or contacting a booking agency.

Advertise the festival. Free advertising resources include social media networks, blogs, message boards and classifieds sites. Media sponsors get the event out to numerous people. A festival with a national or regional act may generate a free mention in the local newspaper. Do not underestimate the value of putting up fliers.

Find vendors. Having vendors on hand givers festival attendees something else to do. Common items sold by festival vendors include food, books artwork and jewelry. Ascertain how many and what type of vendors a venue can reasonably accommodate prior to soliciting them.

Continue planning. Planning is crucial to the success of a jazz pop r&b instrumentals festival. Should the festival become an annual event, it may be necessary to start planning shortly after the festival takes place.

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