
Namibia, a Stunning Vacation Area for Photographers

By Stacey Parker

There are few places worldwide that can offer the visual impact that Namibia can provide. You have seascapes, colonial cities, wildlife and sand-dunes all in one trip! Namibia is a country with wide open spaces where you can truly appreciate Africa at its best. It is not touristy and you will really discover a closeness to "mother earth" that it is tough to find anywhere else.

Namibia is divided into 4 primary areas. To the north you have your Kavango and Caprivi areas which are the less dry areas of the country. Here you will discover thick woodlands. The Himba people stay in the neighboring Kaokoland in their typical way and it is possible to locate their village and talk to them to find out about their religious beliefs, their food and their wedding ceremonies. The precise location of the settlement changes as they "relocate camp" quite regularly. Usually, the Himba tribe is rather tolerant of the tourists and allow photos to be taken.

To the West you have your Namib Desert and Coastal plains. You should not miss out on the dune fields in the Namib-Naukluft Park and likewise the Sand Dunes in Sossusvlei, which are among the greatest in the world. You can also check out the Museum and the aquarium or go fishing or quad-biking over the desert dunes or, if you are especially adventurous, you can take a microlight flight over the desert to snap some remarkable photographs.

Namibia holidays are not complete without a trip to the Eastward sloping central plateau, where you will see the Etosha Pan bordered by the Etosha National Park, which is considered to be one of the world's grandest national parks. The Etosha Pan is a salt pan that is 50km wide and 130km long.

To the South you will encounter the Kalahari desert, which spans throughout the surrounding nations of SA and Botswana. Maybe this is the least fascinating area of the country, but if you happen to be there between September and October, you may wish to find out if there are any flower shows. During these months, sometimes the desert is changed into an unbelievable array of color as wild desert flowers grow all at once and blanket the dry terrain as far as the eye can see.

You can then drive inland and visit Windhoek, which is basically the economical heart of the country. It is situated in the central highlands. You mustn't miss out on driving up Namibia's tallest mountain, called Brandberg, which is 2573 meters high.

Namibia is genuinely an unexpected country. For photography lovers, it is the opportunity of a life time to take pictures in some of the rarest locations you can ever imagine. Immersed in the sand and sun of this vast and lonesome land, you will practically feel as if you originate from another world completely!

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