
How To Make Money In Cookie Lee Jewelry

By Ricardo Interpermian

Cookie Lee Jewelry distributors: Do you want to know how to become a top earner?

If you want to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

The single most important skill you could ever learn is marketing.

Below are 3 strategies 7-figure earners taught me I have successfully used to take my business to an entirely new level:

- Don't Chase People

Lots of people in companies like Cookie Lee Jewelry are taught to approach friends, colleagues and others about their business. This is an easy method, but you're going to run out of people to approach in a few weeks.

Then networkers start approaching strangers they meet at events, at restaurants, etc. to introduce them to their business. approaching strangers about your business is not going to create solid results. 99.9% of the people one meets are NOT a good fit for their Cookie Lee Jewelry business.

Forget approaching total strangers about Cookie Lee Jewelry. Get prospects to approach YOU about Cookie Lee Jewelry. Attracting prospects to you creates several advantages:

- Your sales conversion rates go up. You earn more, and do less.

- You'll sponsor many more people. and your income will increase.

- Quality of life goes way up. You deal with a lot fewer uncommitted reps. and people who aren't eager to work.

You've got to change your positioning if you want to attract people online. Stop approaching people as a network marketer looking to add individuals to your organization. Position yourself as an teacher who educates network marketers how to successfully build any home business.

Create instructional content such as articles and short videos that teach prospecting, closing, generating leads or other skills to network marketers. Some of these people will regard you as a leader and ask to join your organization.

- Attract Prospects And Sales

Virtually everyone in opportunities such as Cookie Lee Jewelry run out of people to talk to at some point. At this point, these marketers become a little desperate and needy. The solution to these problems is Attraction Marketing.

Attraction Marketing starts by creating and putting out helpful how-to content online designed to help network marketers make more money in their businesses. This content positions you as an obvious expert and leader. Sponsoring people into Cookie Lee Jewelry becomes very simple once you've positioned yourself that way.

Attraction Marketing hinges on several concepts:

- People are not looking to join a new business. They are seeking a leader they can follow to help reach their goals.

- People online promoting companies like Cookie Lee Jewelry are a dime a dozen. Real leaders are rare.

- People are attracted to others they believe can help them solve their problems.

- People get turned off when they feel someone is just trying to close them on a sale.

- When you focus on assisting others to solve their pressing business problems, your value in the marketplace goes way up.

- It's critical to give freely first, before you receive. The quality and extent of your valuable free content will influence the degree to which you are considered a leader.

as a result of your attraction marketing efforts, some people will find you and want to sign up for your Cookie Lee Jewelry team. You never have to chase people again!

- Leverage Twitter

Twitter is s social network that allows you to tweet, which is to post short text messages to your following. With over a hundred million active users, Twitter can be an important source of traffic and leads for your Cookie Lee Jewelry venture.

You can build a viral tribe of followers on Twitter. Using Twitter is pretty easy. Set up a Twitter account and follow a bunch of people whose updates you want to read.

Focus on following people who are following network marketing gurus or industry leaders. It's likely you'll be following other network marketers. When you follow people on Twitter, many of them will follow you in return.

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