
Hiring The Best Faux Painter

By Mara Boone

A faux painter working in the field today has mastered a number of techniques to produce different finishes. Faux means false in French and refers to the fact that such techniques are used to mimic materials like marble, plaster, wood, and even fabric. Costs of hiring these painters depends on their training and experience as well as what materials and complexity techniques are to be used. Costs may also be influenced by location. For example, painting a ceiling may cost more as scaffolding is required.

It was centuries ago that these type of techniques began to be used in order to create illusions. Apprentices would learn these techniques from their masters. They were highly regarded if they were experts in their craft and could deceive viewers into thinking that they were looking at marble or wood rather than paint.

Two major processes are used by painters today. One involves mixing paint and glaze that is applied with a sponge, rag, roller or brush. The other involves plaster work. Techniques include dragging, sponging, color washing and striae to name but a few. Striae is a technique used to simulate a fabric, like linen. Color washing involves creating subtle variations in color. Sponging is a application of glaze with a sea sponge to create interesting designs. Some of these techniques are more difficult to master than others and require much practice.

What homeowners are now looking for is that sense that surfaces have acquired their earthy beauty over time. People are more interested in having a customized look that cannot be found in another home. It is not so easy to achieve these effects themselves and that is why painters with expertize are being hired.

Some techniques are definitely best left in the hands of painters with expertise and years of practice. There are painters who are in fact both artists and artisans. The sky is the limit when it comes to the creative finishes they produce. They may even combine techniques and materials with some truly stunning effects.

These painters are usually passionate about what they are doing and take great pride in doing their work to the best of their ability. Reading different testimonials online written by clients is one way of gaining a good idea of what an individual is capable of. You will find out how helpful and professional they are.

The consultation with such a painter can be very helpful. You should be able to examine samples of previous work done and this will give an immediate indication of the level of expertize. You may be given helpful suggestions about textures and colors to take into account when making your choices.

Hiring a faux painter offers you the opportunity of creating unusual effects that lift your space above the ordinary. Perhaps you want Venetian plaster walls with their rich, burnished finish. You may want to replicate the wood on furniture you already have in a room and cannot find anymore. Perhaps you want a metallic finish to balance the light from a chandelier. These desires are not out of reach when hiring an expert in this ever evolving craft.

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