
Donna Young Artist Of Modern Impressionist Paintings

By Mara Boone

When one sees the paintings of an impressionist like Claude Monet, the work is difficult to forget. Donna Young artist of contemporary impressionist oil paintings, also creates masterpieces that seem to refresh Monet's style. Having graduated from art school in the late 1970s, she has made her mark in the art world as she has appealed to celebrities and exhibited her work in many galleries over the past several years. She uses smooth brushstrokes and bold color to engage viewers into her paintings. Her attention to detail, in an otherwise abstract view of landscapes and nature, sets her apart from other painters. As with any career, painters need to find ways to stand out and establish themselves in order to succeed.

When viewing Young's work, the stunning color and calming scenes attract a viewer instantly. She likely started out with consistent techniques. This is a great way to build an audience for artwork. Once established as a painter, she could branch out and evolve as an artist by trying different techniques and finding a medium between the techniques she loves paired with her audiences wants. Style builds a fan base and allows those interested in the work to share with others.

Promoting: Present day promotion of a product is a simple task with the world wide web. One can easily create a promotional page, blog, website or online shop to begin sharing their work and networking with other artists. Almost instantly, a painter can create buzz about their work and begin selling their pieces.

When a painter begins selling their work, they have reached an exciting point as a painter. When Young's work begins showing up in homes and businesses, she is broadening her audience and creating buzz about her work. The more people who see her work, the more will seek more information on her and become possible buyers.

Having found success in promoting and selling her work, Young is able to take on commissioned work. This is another right of passage as an artist because she can begin personalizing her work to suit her clients tastes. The process of doing so allows for a rebirth in the work as it is a collaboration with buyers.

In present day, it is simple to type in a few key words and find out all one needs to know about a subject. Using social media, online galleries and online shops, an artist can easily promote and sell their work as well as provide information that can be shared on the web.

Galleries: Aside from the web, there are physical galleries that help an artist continue to thrive. Young's work is currently featured in Hanson Gallery Arts, Lahaina Galleries, Inc. And Shaffer Fine Art. This helps expand her audience and open her work up to potential buyers and fans.

Many painters are trying to make their mark in the world, some with little success, some with moderate success and others like Donna Young artist who are reaping the benefits of putting a twist on a classic style of painting. She gets noticed and continues to succeed making her an admirable artist of this century.

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