
Western Art Prints Are A Nice Change

By Jennie Sandoval

There are many influences that have come to become a part of what is now western art prints. Prints are reproductions of original paintings. They are made so that not just one picture exists of a painting that is very well done or very popular. Sometimes they are made just to be sold into a certain market. Sometimes they are just made of a painting that is well loved.

The influence for these style of pictures can sometimes be hard to pinpoint. Although many people say the American Indians have a large portion of the influence, the environment must take some of the credit. Nowhere else in the world is there such a place as the American western lands and deserts.

Most people do take these stylized prints and they have them framed for hanging. They can go in any room of the house, as long as they accent the decor they will look good. Sometimes they can really tie a room together. Of course it is a matter of taste as well, but no matter what the taste, it still has to match whatever else is going on in the room.

This has often been captured by many of the paintings that are reproduced into the prints. However, there are still those who are very familiar with the are who are bound and determined to deny that the paintings do the region any justice. That is not an issue though because they are in the minority.

Sometimes the prints are paintings that are manufactured on a massive scale so they can be recopied over and over again. These can be made very easily and in big numbers. Typically scenes of deserts can sometimes sell very well in areas that have the opposite climate. Like in the Midwest or somewhere it snows a lot. Maybe it makes people feel warmer.

The bull horn and bull head bones laying on the desert floor are a very common scene again and one that many people, even people who live in the west will come to admire and will hang on their walls. The painting or the reproductions, either one will suffice as they both show a scene that they can identify with. Finding something in common with the art is what brings it to heart.

The variety of scenes has always been a favorite of many people. So much so that many of them are reproduced onto postcards, greeting cards, or other things. People often take the familiar scene of the coyote howling against the moon and reprint it on polished wood or carved into a block of wood and then hung. There is almost no limit to where these pictures can be placed these days.

The western art prints have become a very popular scene to be printed on a variety of mediums. People from all over the world have purchased a print or a painting or even smaller versions of the scenes just so they could always have a piece of the American west with them. There is something special about that environment.

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