
The Role Of High School Music Festivals

By Wanda Vaughn

High school music festivals are ways of arranging music performances which are to be done in presence of judges so that the best is given the best present. This competition helps the students to increase their abilities due to the exposure into a new world other than the four walled classroom. They also get to interact with the other students from other schools therefore being able to exchange ideas ad gaining experience.

Many schools see this as a way of improving teacher and student relationship as teachers interact freely with the students. This allows students who see teachers as their enemies to view them in a positive way. Teachers guide students in polishing their songs and make sure that they know what to do during the day of presentations.

During preparations of the events, students are given the leaflets containing the songs to familiarize themselves before they come together for rehearsals. They can also be told to search for the appropriate costumes that could match the theme of the song. The songs are either dramatized or can be performed in form of a choir.

They start competing from the lowest level to the national level. This excites students because they able to move from one area to another enabling them to know different parts of the country. This also helps in socialization as students from different schools meet and share ideas and also make new friends. Some share exam revision materials thus enhancing their performance in their respective classes.

The traditional song helps to explain the indigenous society and brings out the traditional practices experienced in classical community. The attires also match that background and try to give the meaning. The people who compose them also ensure that the meaning is not ambiguous and hence a better understanding.

Many students get the opportunity to visit neighboring schools where they share ideas and make new friends. This gives them ample time to interact with them and also keeps them away from their class work which some may consider tiring and too much hence relaxing their minds and enjoy the benefits of these occasions.

Creativity goes a long way in the preparation especially if the song involves dancing. The dancing styles involved should be unique and the students should coordinate themselves in a way that there will be no mistakes. The songs which are recited without the dance should have proper words and avoid vulgar language that could lead to misunderstanding among the judges. The judges also ensure that they give their ruling on a fair judgment hence reducing biasness.

High school music festivals are helpful as them and teachers enjoy all the full benefits that come with these events. They benefit in improving their music skills as apply all the best things that they see others do on stage thus making their performances more appealing. These festivals also act as an entertainment factor as judges and crowds listening keenly go home fully entertained.

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