
Raunchy Music Can Make Anyone Blush

By Antoinette Quinn

People listening to the radio know all about the different forms of raunchy music. All of the kids in America love these types of melodies since they really are very short in morals. Parents face the dilemma of having to have rap and rock censored since they do not want their children to listen to such trash. Many of the rap artists prefer to curse and talk negatively about women rather than do a clean song.

Singers first begin to use foul language on their recordings when nudity became a great success in Hollywood. The new films in the 1970s had almost all of the actors taking off their clothes for very simple scenes. This had become such a great representation of freedom and the rock and roll industry felt that this was also their time to show some boldness. In the film "Superfly" you can hear a song about "getting it on" while the gangster and the lady are in the bathtub. The movie "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" featured a variety of naughty songs that would make anyone blush.

When driving in their car a person can sing along with any new artist who is currently on the market. As time goes by it seems as though the words in many songs will get more and more graphic. People like Snoop Dogg have made millions of dollars by simply cursing and saying the word "whore" on their records.

The younger crowd has become so accustomed to this word and they will even refer to each other as "bitches" or "sluts." The young girls love this sort of behavior and they like it when their boyfriends display these actions. Some very immature women feel that men express love with mental or even physical abuse.

In the 1970's there was a singer named Donna Summer and she recorded a song called "Love To Love You Baby." On the record she could be heard moaning in a very sexual tone. The song bought about many orgasms to many people around the world and the record industries made a huge profit. In some parts of the United States the sexual moans were edited out of this song.

There was a song some years ago called "Louie, Louie" and it implied some type of sexual message. This recording has been done several times since the 1960s and various artists use their own style when singing it. Many college students will play this hit song every time they have a huge frat party going on.

In the 1980's the very beautiful Samantha Fox made a bold statement with a song called "Touch Me." She started off as a model for a London newspaper and had become an international sensation once her singing career took off. This recording was a big hit in the United Kingdom as well as America. People are still singing this very popular song even in this day and time.

Without some raunchy music the world would be a boring place. Entertainers everywhere hope to become famous by putting flair into their songs and it seems to be working well. The consumers will buy into anything that is unique and strays far away from the norm.

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