
Lively Middle Eastern Dance Classes

By Vicki Diaz

Dances of the Middle East come from a wide span of traditions. These traditions root from several countries such as North Africa, different parts of Asia, and even parts of India. Dancing is a part of expression and creativity from these countries. Sometimes they tell stories about the countries' culture and history. Middle Eastern dance beautifully incorporates movements and expressions through intricate steps.

Dancing is an art. Your body moves along with the rhythm of the music. It is a graceful interpretation of emotions that is brought about by the music playing and your mood. Not all dances can tell a story, but all of them are an expression. Some people use dancing to communicate what they are feeling. It is a graceful portrayal of one's emotions or situation. When one dances well, one is connected to his own soul.

It would be surprising to know that the belly dancing originated from Egypt. These dances were mainly used for the Egyptian film industry and in cabarets. They were a form of entertainment made to cater to the middle and high status families. They reflect the steps in oriental dances and movements. The belly dancing is now known worldwide for its provocative and sensual movements, and is practiced by dance entertainers worldwide.

Even the earliest forms of dancing have been paired with music. Some songs and musical arrangements are actually made for the dancing itself. Sometimes the dancing is made for the music. Examples of this pairing are the waltz, the boogie, the disco and the salsa. The music and the movement are all matched to each other.

There are many kinds of dances in the Philippines. You can find a unique and original dancing from each ethnic tribe in the Philippine islands. Since the Filipino demeanor is conservative and shy, it is reflected in almost all of their dances. They have this lights dance where the dancers hold tea lights on their hands while hovering it over their heads and bodies. They also have a dance that portrays how the Filipino courtship occurs.

The waltz is probably one of the most traditional and conservative dances that is still practiced to this day. It is a series of slides and steps performed in a closed position. The music that does along with this choreography is timed to thirds. They the partners move counter clockwise along the dance floor, with three steps completing each movement. It is a beautiful and romantic dancing that is usually performed during formal balls.

The dancing that is usually paired with the blues is called the boogie. It is danced in high tempo with instruments such as the bass, guitar, piano, and trumpet. They originated from the rock and roll styles of dancing. When this choreography started, it was mainly danced to pop and rock songs.

Middle Eastern dance is a very rich tradition. They carry a lot of meaning and culture in them that the middle easterners pride in. Since dances are very much symbolical that give you a glimpse of their rich heritage.

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