
Feelings Of Loss And Frustration

By Alison Wilcox

Sometimes in life people get into a mood of frustration for a number of reasons. Feelings of this nature can come about because of something that we set into motion but realize later that we cannot change. This happens on a day to day basis and is evident in relationships between people and more often than not over business dealings that turned sour. Marital discord and a separation from a relationship such as marriage can and does lead to feelings such as these.

When in a harmonious relationship and one that is a healthy one where both partners are loving and respectful towards one another, partners will feel a sense of self worth and illicit feelings that are nurturing for them both and comforting and gives them a sense of security. Dissonance between married couples comes about due to a variety of reasons. The point here being that when it does enter into their lives, feelings of frustrations prevail and sometimes to a point where the couple decide to break off their relationship entirely.

Invariably it is a struggle in ridding ourselves of our frustrations. The reason for this is that when we do a sense of fulfillment and happiness fills that emotional space within us. However this is not as easily done than said.

Physical annoyances that leave us feeling irritated can be easily corrected and many will resolve physical problems that they just dislike about themselves by having cosmetic surgery such as face lifts or breast implants. Surgeries such as these rectify these deficient feelings or perceptions we have of ourselves relatively easily but at a cost too. However, they offer viable solutions in ridding ourselves of those bodily parts of ourselves that we believe will add greater fulfillment to our lives.

The trick here as therapists such as psychologists and other alternate therapists will tell you is to try to come to terms with those feelings. It is the challenge of the individual to find those reasons that are causing them to feel the way they do. It is important to realize though that feelings of this kind can lead to other more extreme feelings such as anger.

In a rape case these things are the dignity of the person as an individual. Rape victims are left with many feelings that they find difficult in coping with which can debilitate the rest of their lives. It is a process of healing in dealing with feelings such as these and more so a process of acceptance for something that occurred that was beyond the control of a person.

Projection of feelings can be understood in this way. Let us say person A is overweight and is feeling frustrated about his physical condition. His obese situation figuratively eats away at any positive feeling he may have about himself.

On meeting person B who is thin and good looking and whilst being in a bad mood full of frustration, person A may make a remark whilst in passing that person B is a fat somebody or other with a few foul words thrown in between. This is a form of projection when in actuality it is person A who is unhappy and is feeling frustrated over the fact that he cannot lose weight and is feeling miserable about himself.

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