
Reasons Why Contemporary Sculptors Like Bronze

By Bertha Wells

Contemporary sculptors use many types of materials in their work. However, it seems that bronze is preferred most of the time. You will find artwork made from this material in parks, streets and buildings. This is the trend all across the world. People realize how important art is to them and how much it impacts the way they think about life. Statues help to inspire people and recognize the contributions that have been made by leaders.

Lots of cities spend a fair portion of their budget on pieces from different artists. In some case, the work is not complete until years have passed. There are also instances where large teams work on creating something beautiful in a short time. Towns find that by using their resources wisely, they can easily acquire work from talented but as yet unknown artists who will rise to fame.

These sculptures are all different, centering on themes that are important to the artist or the entity that commissioned it. Some are easily identified as birds, fish, human beings or even fruit. Others are much more abstract and represent ideas while taking on shapes that may never have been seen anywhere before.

Alloys which have bronze in them gain a unique quality. When they increase in temperature, they also expand. This makes it possible for them to reach every nook and cranny that might exist in a mold. Artisans exploit this feature by working fine details into their sculptures, such as the folds in a silk blouse.

As bronze cools, the metal becomes smaller. This quality is essential to the success of a project of this nature. When sculptures are being made, they are poured hot into a container. When they cool, they pull away from the sides of the vessel. This makes it easy to remove a fully formed statue from a mold.

Contemporary sculptors also enjoy working with this material for another reason. The alloy is completely ductile. The fact that it stretches easily makes it suitable for birds in flight, athletes in motion and a wide range of other action figures. It forms curves and arcs well and is not brittle.

Many of the sculptures from previous centuries have been destroyed or stolen. The versatility and high value of bronze has caused this. The metal can be used to form kitchen tools, weapons and a wide variety of other objects. The same qualities that make it popular among artists also put these artworks in danger from thieves.

Contemporary sculptors today rely on several materials to implement their own unique vision. Artists of ancient times could not produce some of the work that is made now with lighting fixtures, ceramics, glass and other materials. However bronze still reigns as queen. There is no other material that is loved as much as this one and employed in so many different legendary works of art across the world.

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