
Orange County Piano Lessons - Length Of Time It Will Take To Become A Great Pianist

By Jason Johann

Taking on a new instrument is like embarking on a long and exciting journey. Most people want to know how long will it take to master the piano before they get started, but it is not an easy question to answer. There will be many things that affect the amount of time it takes each individual to achieve their set goals.

Everyone has the capability to take on a new instrument and learn to play it well. Some are born with a natural talent for music and they may pick things up faster than others. Talent and skill are both very important and a lack of one can be compensated for by the other.

The myth that children learn much faster than adults is not entirely true. While the young ones are more open to instruction, they tend to lack discipline and concentration. As people get older, their attention span improves however there are often many more distractions such as thoughts of other commitments like family and work.

The first thing one needs to determine is exactly is meant by 'mastering'. For some this could mean learning all the basics and being able to read and play a few of the classic pieces really well. To someone else, this term may entail becoming good enough to perform a professional grade concert.

Whatever level one wishes to reach before being satisfied that they are good enough, they must first make the commitment to practice. No skill is ever perfected without proper repetition and determination. A passion for playing could greatly affect how long it takes to achieve one's desired goal.

Through regular and continuous practice, a person can achieve their desired level of performance in a smaller amount of time. Most students are encouraged to spend a minimum of 30 minutes daily at the keyboard. This half hour does not need to be done in one sitting because many teachers find their students perform better when it is split into several shorter periods spread throughout the day.

Commissioning a highly qualified instructor to assist with lessons could be a huge advantage to someone wanting to learn and advance quickly. Having a teacher who is as dedicated as the student is to sticking to the schedule and encouraging practice times keeps the motivation high and progress in motion. Working together as a team will make perfecting one's skill a smoother and more productive process.

Another very important thing to remember is that perfection does not happen overnight. Think of learning to read music and applying that knowledge to the keyboard in the same terms as taking on a new language; it takes time, practice and a lot of patience. Some parts of the process will be more difficult than others but the key is to never get frustrated and give up.

There is no easy way to say how long will it take to master the piano because every student is not the same. Generally speaking, one can reach a qualified level of skill in as little as two or three years if they put in the necessary work. Those who have a desire to achieve the status of concert performer should prepare themselves for decades of dedicated study. Piano lessons in Orange County will give you everything you need to start you on your way to becoming a masterful piano player.

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