
Enjoying The Sounds Of Kosmoratik Band

By Camille Nicholson

Kosmoratik band developed as an experimental group on the effect of layering in music. It is based in Oslo and has majored in live performances as well as studio recording. The group has combined different aspects of music including acoustic guitars, quartet strings and symphonic pop to create a unique brand. Their music has traces of Obo that blends well with rock music.

The band draws inspiration from several artists who ruled their generation. There are poets, writers and musicians of different historical eras. A forward looking and fresh approach has been incorporated despite the heavy borrowing from historical icons. The band members recognize the contribution of the role models and seek to put a new dimension to their works.

Some of the inspiring artists include Nick Drake and John Martyn, both of whom were song writers. The group has drawn a lot of inspiration from the Beatles who were largely successful in their era. Their first album was released in 2012, under Nordic Records. It had the title gravitation.

Kosmoratik has attracted numerous crowds during their live performances in all cities and theatres. The most attractive element is the ability to combine a number of instruments and produce the best sound blend. They have recruited the best talents as vocalists, guitarists and pianists, enhancing their performance to a great extent.

The sound quality of this band is excellent and attributed to the choice of high quality instruments. This makes a clear distinction between the band and ordinary performers. Such uniqueness has seen the group rank among the best contemporary bands. Their concerts are always totally-sold-out.

Some of the pivotal members of the band include Johansen Eivind who doubles as a song writer and singer. He cites Cohen and Lennon as his role models in the music industry. He has an incredible vocal range and ability. He is also gifted in selecting words whose meaning transverses common interpretation. This makes his compositions symphonic and classical. Other role models are Rumi and Hafez whose poetry is still revered to-date.

Seasoned instrumentalists like Gunnar Odd have supported the prowess of Kosmoratik band to a great extent. He can handle keyboard, bass and guitar with exceptional ease. He makes unique arrangements for different instruments. He has produced excellent works for woodwinds and strings. Such is the talent that propels the group to new heights with every track.

The lead singers for the band include Liselotte Agedal who has an incredible vocal range. He can perfectly do a rock rhythm or jazz with a lot of comfort. This makes him the central harmony of this band. The combination of Eivind and Lessotte has propelled the band to achieve a lot within the few years of existence.

Music reviews have favored Kosmoratik and their first album Gravitation. It is considered a successful experiment and fortunes points to a successful future for them. Their next album is waited by the musical world with huge expectations considering the pace they set in the first release. It is expected in the spring of 2013.

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