
Tips For Doing An Abstract Watercolor Painting

By Dolores Harrison

There are lots of people who are enticed on the charm of doing an abstract watercolor painting. It is up to the person to indulge himself in such a luxury. However, there are some things he should know for it. First of all, he should know that the paint medium shows a lighter shade when it dries, different from the intense shade it shows when wet.

Before he makes use of a color, it is only appropriate for him to test it first. This should not be a problem for him since the paint medium will just dry easily. He should test the colors on the scrap of the paper. This is the best way for him to determine the hue of the color.

Even if the paint medium has already dried for a few days, they will still remain water soluble. This mean to say that the can still re-wet the dried paint. If he is planning to do so, then a wet brush should do the track. He can remove the added color with this.

It is also a known that the said paint medium is one which is transparent, no matter what paper he makes use of. It is certainly possible for the person to see through every layer that he has added on his work. With this fact in mind, he should remember that there is absolutely no way for him to hide mistakes.

Know that the white color in this paint medium really comes from the white of his paper and not the paint itself. As this is the situation, then the person should accept the advice that he should paint from light to black. He should start from the lightest color or tone and then build his way up to the darkest color or tone.

There is a need for him to make the right choice for the brush. The brush that he should be using for the said work is one which does not easily splay out. It should also not be one which drops hair easily. It is much better than buying a handful of lower quality brushes.

This is a water soluble paint medium so he should remember that the intensity of the color will be easily affected by water. He should make sure that he does not use excessive water since this will only ruin the work that he is doing. He can dry out the brush by simply dabbing it onto a cloth after he dips it in water.

The paper that one can make use of for this project has lots of variations. Each paper are not identical. They differ in terms of thickness. Not only in the thickness attribute, the person should know that there is also a difference in how white and how smooth it is.

He should know how to make use of the masking fluid. The masking fluid, which is also known as frisket is the best way to block of those areas where he does not want his paint to be. The fluid will come off the paper before using it for the abstract watercolor painting.

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