
Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" rocked the nation

By Richard Tenzo

"Bohemian Rhapsody" is a traditional number from the famous band Queen which was released in late mind 70's. The album "A night in Opera" is regarded as a super duper hit and this song was controlling on the music charts. Freddy Mercury was the lyricist and the words utilized in this song made a giant argument. There had been a claim that some words were taken from holy Quran which was not sufficient. This song was a major success and millions of records were sold in just time of 9 weeks which was a fantastic success for composers and the music company.

The tune was a reformation in music industry. It was fusion of hard rock, ballad and guitar solo which was appreciated by critics. Song was written and composed by Freddie and recordings were completed after recurring rehearsals of 4 months. It took more than 1 studio to record the song which makes it very special and unique. Six minutes of this masterwork took lot of work from the band. The tune has it all and takes away with every mood. Mixture of a ballad and hard rock was something awfully new and fresh which took a while to integrate and form this number. Mercury tamed this song like his baby and result of which was the song came out to be the largest success of the band. This was scandalous and everything appeared to be just perfect. People say that some of the words were offensive as it centered a particular faith but according to Mercury they were just used to finish the rhyme.

The tune reached out of UK and was popular in other states also. Other songs from this album also gained acclaim but this one proved to be a smashing hit of mid 70's. The track has Mercury's classis voice. This song was divided in 5 sections. Every part of the tune are prepared in a way that it mixed perfectly with the mood. The harmonies and every other parts were result of Freddie Mercury's creativity.

Background score was just done with a piano and bass which was finished with hard rock show which was dazzling. Advent of song was also wonderful. It took nearly 3 weeks to complete this song which was having trails of 120 repetitions for song. The creation of a new time of music was done with this album.

The song gain acclaim again in late 90's after death of Freddie Mercury. This song remained in music charts of UK and other countries for week on week. The track broke all of the records. This track is all about relations and the USB of song were its superb and unique lyrics. The meaning of song is complex and extremely tough to understand. This always stayed a big secret and with the death of Freddie Mercury, the reality was gone forever. Bohemian Rhapsody was certainly a record breaking number of its time and got success for every person linked with it.

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