
Popular Culture And Funny TeeShirts Go Hand In Hand

By Francis Ladd

When people gather around the proverbial fire to discuss their lives, the most common things talked about are not the most important things to society...but, rather, the least important things dominate our thoughts and words. Media has made entertainment so valuable to us that we make it part of our everyday lives. We have even gone so far as to take the things that should only be used as a distraction and turn them into funny shirts for us to wear. Popular culture has taken over, and it's probably too late to ever go back.

We may not all agree on what type of music we like, but we all like music. Whether you listen to rap or country, music is a big part of everyone's life. It soothes us, it helps us deal with strong emotions, and it can touch us deeply. There is no wonder that music has found itself into the complex maze of popular culture. There are far too many people who take what musicians say as gospel, even though many of them don't even have a high school diploma. Despite not being anywhere near being qualified, people still consider these stars important enough to make funny tee shirts about their antics.

Movies, especially comedies, have a huge impact on the younger generations. These younger generations are also the people who are getting online and buying up all of these popular culture-inspired funny tees. These shirts are usually inspired by lines from the movie that are particularly poignant, and some websites will push the issue by creating funny tees as soon as the film comes out from lines that they just think will be popular.

While t-shirt companies vie for the chance to have the best movie shirts, television has started emerging as a dominate media form. This may be due to so many excellent shows coming out year after year...but the funny t-shirts reflect that the lamest programming is what is being followed the most. Reality shows are undoubtedly the worst thing to happen to T.V....yet shows like Jersey Shore have tons of funny shirts dedicated to them.

I am myself a gamer, which means that I follow video games fervently. There are more and more people like me coming out every year in support of the industry. With this emergence into the realm of popular culture, we can go online and see that funny t shirts are springing up in support of the subject matter. If my theory of the connection between funny t shirts and pop culture is true, then we'll see lots more funny t shirts coming out in the coming years.

You only have to look at funny t-shirts to get a judge of what movies, television, music, and games are the most popular at any given time. Media has a strong influence on us all, even if we're aware of it. If some show that I love is mentioned in passing, I will spend time talking about it with a neighbor. I'm not sure if pop culture is a negative or positive thing on our society, but I do know that there is no way we'll ever be rid of it.

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