
Phillip Romero And His Theories About Art

By Kristen Waller

Art is a very important part of humanities. People have been making artworks for thousands of years. These works can be found even in prehistoric times. Various primitive paintings, sketches, and drawings have been made. Over the years, various artistic techniques, styles, and trends have also emerged. Other media, artistic branches, and changes have also been introduced. As humans evolved, artworks have evolved too. Phillip romero have been always fascinated with art. This doctor have also been an artist. He made various works that would help understand the meaning behind art. He has published a book too that tackles his various theories about art. Learn then more about these theories and how these theories relate to people.

One must know first more regarding this author. Romero is an artist, psychologist, and writer actually. He specializes in child psychology, family psychology, and adolescent psychology. As an artist, he explored connections between human evolution, art, and psychology. He utilized his meticulous art research, training on psychology, and personal observations for developing theories. His theories actually connect personal development, art, and evolution. He stipulates that humans create artworks for more essential reasons than only personal expression. He used psychological theories, Darwinian theories, and theories of Buddha for formulating his propositions.

He utilized his varied propositions for writing his book. Such book is entitled The Art Imperative. Such book explores the varied roles which art plays in human lives. Such book presents his varied theories. He utilized images, facts, and fact based theories for presenting his propositions. He also covered contemporary art, primitive art, and centuries old art for explaining things. He explored varied reasons which motivate people for making art.

He discussed art's part in evolution. With Darwin's theories, people evolve if they develop acceptance of impermanence, adaptability, and resiliency. Humans adapt so they could they could survive. He showed art as essential for developing adaptive resilience. Means for adaptive resilience could be inspired, enhanced, or introduced when humans create art. They could develop sharper thinking, vision, and abstract thinking in making art. It will help them in surviving then.

As art would be important in survival, people should continue doing art. Today's modern world have introduced various technologies, inventions, and processes that have reduced art making. These technologies can spark anxiety, fear, and apprehensions. Art can be used to restore creativity, mindfulness, and compassion in the cruel, dark, and cold world.

Survival would be profoundly affected by art. Better chances for survival is achieved when people are mindful of surroundings, compassionate in relations, and creative in thinking. Strategies, plans, and solutions can be developed so problems can be addressed.

He also showed how art can transcend. Art can transcend space, time, and cultural barriers. People can connect to art universally. It would help develop meaningful cultural connections throughout the ages.

He firmly believes that art could aid people in comprehending themselves. People could create art to search authenticity, contemplate, and show value. It could be utilized for showing connections, searching the truth, and understanding phenomenon.

Phillip romero have truly made varied helpful insights regarding art. He elaborated how essential art is. It will be a reminder for people them to continue their exploration of creative possibilities.

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