
Old Photographs: Restoring Life

By George Kristen

A photo can be priceless, especially if no negatives or digital copy is available. They can be damaged through natural means such as overexposure to sunlight which causes fading and discolouration, or perhaps even graffiti added by the grandchildren, or maybe something is required to be edited out of the photograph. If any of these situations affect you, photo restoration may be the cure to rejuvenate your old damaged photos.

Photo enhancement

Photo restoration is a great way to enhance, improve, and restore an old physical photo back to its original look. There are several limitations however as to what can be achieved with it even though the process is very effective. In many cases, it can be very surprising what can be restored. Retrieving detail from images that are excessively light is often very difficult as well as areas that suffer from too much shadow which obscures the finer details within an image.

During an initial examination of the photo we'll be able to assess and conclude what can be realistically done through the restoration process. We will never work on the original photograph and all the work is being done on copies.

Once the restoration process has been completed you will receive the original as well as the restored photos in a easy to use digital file, and this makes it simpler to make reprints as well as having secure backups for the future. Unfortunately the technique used is unable to physically restore or alter the original photo in any way.

Photo Improvement

Before losing all hope in ever restoring an old damaged photo be sure to contact our professional staff and receive advice on how we can breathe new life into an old photo. There are so many options available in terms of restoring the beauty of photos, and some techniques may even surpass the original quality.

An example is if the original has been torn into various pieces or if the picture is old and cracked and attached to glass, metal, or wood; we can restore it. This also applies to 35mm colour transparency as well as black and white negatives. So, even if you think that there's no hope in restoring an old photo, let our experts take a look and you may just be amazed.

The techniques used can even add colour to any old black and white photos, or add just about any style and tone you require from framing the photo to printing on canvas, or even altering the colour to sepia or monotone. There are many options made available to you, to discover what can be done to rejuvenate an old photo, contact our professional staff today.

Whatever your background or experience we all treasure our memories from the past through photographs which can also tell a story to our children and grandchildren. Don't leave your old photos on the draw - take them out and bring some life to the past.

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